Polaks tilted over truth

image: ZPvQK8g
image: xspiwFw
image: a1TDNcw

But NP
I dont know what this is
Knowingly using a player who is cheating in offis :s
on the 3rd ss you can see it's engi and the only engi in fireteam is grzesiek (but might be Bela too, pic is fucked up and you can't really recognize his class)
Fine detective work, I must say.

Also, bola has an F in front of his/her name, so I guess it's grzesiek or someone using his name.
Just don't pull of snoop when you get dicked on at the lan lol
Too bad you're not coming here. Grats on posting ss from around 2k15? Just proving how retarded you're xD I'm wondering on which dick you're going to jump on after lan.
I'm curious as well
you're rather jealous :S
what kinda dicks do you prefer? circumcised or hoodie?
That's the seeding tournament for the 2016 United lan, but whatever you are saying buddy, whatever makes you sleep well at night knowing what a fucking piece of shit you are.

And what you take as sucking a dick is a funny thing to me, but whatever you can keep trying to keep your face as a cool guy, I don't give a fuck really :)
QuoteGenuinely speaking from a point of view from someone's point of view who hadn't gone to any LAN and probably wouldn't even have a chance to win this lan - and considering I'm a student and my 'not paid' hobby took so much of my time, I wasn't really able to make much money elsewhere, it would cost me a lot to go to the lan in terms of what I have saved etc - I wanted to go to this one just to generally meet people I really like, spend hours of playing online and talking to them even when not playing and just having fun with them - because even if I'd believe that I'm good enough for a team like R0SS had/has (fuck yeah I'm), I know I would never get on it but I would still go to meet my friends, even if there would be only my biggest love toNyy....

tl;dr I don't get the "don't know if it's worth it" - you know who's going and who isn't, if it's not about that but winning - then either get a team that can win, or don't go :)

Wash your mouth after blowjob.
Hahahahahaaha you are so fucking mad and you know that I'm talking the truth that you have nothing else to say

I feel for you, getting exposed for being a fuckbitch with cheaters must be hard, though I never thought it would take you that hard, feel sorry for you my man, when you are ready to be normal again give me a hand ;)
Ps reborn lan in 2k15 not united lan in 2k16.

Sorry but most of the community can tell that you re a fuckbitch.
Indeed that's my bad, had in mind the some of the ET:U cups as the lan, how wrong was I, 2 years! Fucking dick, it changes a lot about the fact that some of the people knowingly used cheater in offis - even in a seeding tournament for the lan to get a better spot :( :(

And I feel you, you were exposed like the fuckbitch you are so you have nothing else there to prove - I feel your pain of being naked in there, I feel you, it will go away one day, trust me, you will feel better :)
Just embrace the fact and accept it, don't be a little bitch about it :/
I'm pretty sure one beer is ur limit ;)
I'm pretty sure one food per day is your limit for that fatass ;)
XD which massive nerd said that shit. Must be master troll Francis rofl
Bobika in another journal
It's Damian's pain speaking, he's bleeding blood from his pores atm
im on this screenshot
That doesn't surprise me
Cool this explained so much
So a team of medskilled polaks used cheats in 6on6? No way, I'll alert the media!
vid_restart bug
who the fuck cares, die
werent u suckin their dicks?
jebac cziterow w pizde
why only polaks cheating?
because all others like damon, insane, supna, base and lots of their friends got banned accidentaly with no reason.
and after all. damon insane etc proved themselve.
Damon proved what and where?
themselve you imbecile
damon proved

snatix is the number one in 1on1
I think that ET drama will never end xD
But still, the truth is that im the 1on1 king nerds and you all can eat shit :D gg haters keeping my ego alive
How can you be the autoproclaim king when you got absolutly smashed?
How can you talk since u beat me once in ur life? :D
still waiting for the day you actually beat me though LOL
no worries, maxtor is replacing you well and kicking his ass every game
Maxtor clean and clever player 15/10
that they are good and not cheating right
A ok makes sense
on jest cwelem

you would never cheat on me

First beer with you
why are u posting screenshots of me in here?
Zapewne burić na ssach :XDDDD
Kurwa bobika ty czeski kokocie zjebie pierdolony wkońcu znalazłeś dysk google wuta ? po 5 latach streamowania kurwa imbecylu, Kurwa szeryf jebany w 2k17 chce się w Killerboya bawić.
Badz spokojny.
Przecież spokojny jestem xD
Who cares
people still cheating in this game. losers
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