random showerthought #2

I'm not sure if these are gonna become a thing for me or not, but here's one more at least:

I think the perfect name for an exceptionally flatulent pet donkey is Uranus.

Thank you for reading. :)
hows the autism going, hazz?
I don't think it's autism, jsut a case of one too many beers in a short period of time

That being said, it's a wonderful thought
I was completely sober. :(
Still having crush on me?
How's your stupidity going, Tites?
is there any chance to shut the fuck up when we're playing with swani? he can't focus and his performance is going down faster than F1 car, thanks in advance <3
I didn't realise F1 cars went down.
Save it for showerthought #3
that's deep
Are you by chance related to Jaden Smith?
Pretty sure they are twins of some sort
and what is the perfect name for an exceptionally flatulent proboscis monkey?
Just get that smelly monkey as far away from me as you can, and forget about naming it. I don't trust anything that can rape me with its face if I turn it on or piss it off.
sounds like you have experience in turning anything on that can rape you with its face

have you ever thought about the surface structure of a gherkin and that it is similar to the surface structure of most amphibians?
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