Too sad my friends from - Professional hardcore addicted gaming since 2008 cannot join me for this event, else they would have share a room with me :S
Ja Ja Schlafen im hotel du schlampe
6 May 2017, 15:39
Hi friends,
As you can see in the title I already praccd hard my . Atm I'm 69€ too short for my lan budget which is around 1337€ all inclusive. So, I thought I could eventually sleep in hotel with one of you faggots.
LeFrancis' lan budget:
- 100€ train
- 700€ bitches in ritterstrasse
- 400€ bears/cklubbing
- 100€ fee to get out of jail as I expect to get fucked by the police
- 37€ Trip to teh zoo to take a pic with bears drinking bears
You see, 69€ too short for a hotel. All my costs are vital for lan and cannot be cut.
Ok, who's looking for a roomm8??? (no homo)
Hurensohnly yours,
LeFrancis - A LAN-athlete
As you can see in the title I already praccd hard my . Atm I'm 69€ too short for my lan budget which is around 1337€ all inclusive. So, I thought I could eventually sleep in hotel with one of you faggots.
LeFrancis' lan budget:
- 100€ train
- 700€ bitches in ritterstrasse
- 400€ bears/cklubbing
- 100€ fee to get out of jail as I expect to get fucked by the police
- 37€ Trip to teh zoo to take a pic with bears drinking bears
You see, 69€ too short for a hotel. All my costs are vital for lan and cannot be cut.
Ok, who's looking for a roomm8??? (no homo)
Hurensohnly yours,
LeFrancis - A LAN-athlete
haha sure you can't be that rich
My fuhrer!
macron or le pen?
So unexpected that our next president is the "young and dynamic" guy xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD