...first LAN journal incoming NOW

...So LAN is over and we are on our way back to berlin. I don't even know where to start...!

ELYSIUM made it !!!! What an awesome and exciting final!
The guys totally deserved it! Congrats once more!

The matches at all days were pretty intense like the whole LAN was!
Just to mention Oxid against TMT
Which was for sure one of the best games even though in the end oxid didn't make it to final! Blaming the late time playing here.

The venue was pretty amazing really big with lots of space, fucking amazing chairs, nice couches and a lot of games beside et to make the community happy.
What to say about krefeld
Nothing much to add in here. I mean krefeld!!!
Guess the take tv was the best spot to be in town. As we arrived on Thursday together with ekto (thank you for driving) and fims (thank you for ur shoutcasts) we joined the hotel (just to mention: next time don't book ibis u sleep rather better on the street - I heard it was pretty shit) and I joined my apartment what I had with potty and rayzed.
The first night already ended up late with drinks not much sleep, Friday was starting easy with the 3o3 rounds and already some wasted people (yes u polish guys I'm talking about U).
Tbh some games I missed Friday I don't even remember so much but Saturday started early again after 3 hours of sleep.
Since I promised to do some shoutcasting I decided to do it this morning
Together with scarzy and testi for 2 games! What an experience at all! After that heading to watch oxid team a long time! Tried to be a good mascot for them. They played so well and deserved much more but hey there will be another LAN for u guys! U proved u doing good.

Sunday the loser brackets and the final incoming plus the 3o3 where oxid badly lost after some close maps. But against insane outlaw and gizmo who playing every day - Seems to work guys. Great job u did!!

Heading to the finals part of elysium already won the 3o3 and went into finals with lot of positive vibes and I guess that was the key for their win!
Tosspot joined in for doing the shoutcast. Twitch stream got overload and almost 400 people were on, did read so many known names! I mean wtf such an old game and still the spirit, the love, the community is so strong! After 5 maps played Adler came up. Fucking lotto map as decider of an intense game even though elysium were the better team
I never saw such good unit so much revives and pushing forwards. TMT made a time of 2:57 and everyone was like wtf
It's like at soccer u play 120 minutes, went pretty strong and in the end u lose that fucking penalty kick.
But sebhes went to his team and motivated them all once more and the guys pushed so amazing they had dyna after second pushed and were almost directly going through spawn but they selfkilled. The cinema was moaning cause goddamn 1:50 to go! But no time to relax, the next push came in very strong and they got the obj. Axis completely down but instead of going through spawn he (name to add in here) went ofc the long way! Not sure if he did it to excite us even more! Axis spawned, allies already ahead transmitter but obj still waiting outside. Just to mention 30 seconds to go! Elysium brought all down and they won with 10 seconds to go on the clock! What a game! What a final! The emotions overloaded even tosspot wasn't to stop!! No one!
They so deserved it!
after that we all met at bar to celebrate this win! Ofc also with TMT and with everyone who still was at LAN
Was small Group of round about 30 people and 200 shots :o
playing beer pong, dart and Xylos showed his amazing dancing skills and challenged everyone who wasn't fast enough to pass him.

What an amazing and positive spirit that was!

To summarize at all...next Friday searching for opponent playing first 6o6 after years, I guess I also promised last night that I gonna attend next LAN with a team!
So cu all next LAN which will be incoming for sure!

Shoutout to: Xylos ( meeting after 10 years and still calling me Sasha ) iPod (thanks for the nice chats) & Jon (the us guys who are such good guys), the oxid team (guys u rock), smashed (what a lovely bunch of people u are), potty (nothing to add just ur amazing German skills in the morning), whole tsb team ( bloodje, wut thank for the short time at shoutcasting), Maus ( smiling all the day), Matias, whole paronix team, swaniiiiii, sebhes, kapot (for sure the most happiest guy around the venue), leek (!!!), Veruna (im so so happy we met after such long time), the girls woot and deryn! And ofc to all teams who attend and played there !!
And ofc shoutout to EVERYONE who was on that stream!!!! Saw so many lovely names in there :)

i don't even know who else to mention cause everyone was so enjoyable and friendly! Guess I could add another page to this journal at all and maybe edit and adding some parts later!

Over and out.


P.s. I will add pictures when I'm Home!
nice meeting u =)
Nice joirnal and nice meeting you!
enjoy ur win!!! =)
nice foot :D:D:D hope u recover soon
:DDDD most famous LAN foot 2k17
QuoteBut against insane outlaw and gizmo who playing every day -

apart from the germans playing 3o3 against each-other every day because there was no one else playing 3o3 lOl
I actually love you schnee. Thanks for a wicked weekend and finding me at the train station. I honestly hope we can play some games online in time for battle for krefeld 2 next year... am I right guys?
cu on server and next LAN!
No shoutout for me :(
Poor Rayzed! :(
u were mentioned :D
Krefeld 2 for certain. An amazing tournament and would love to see more in the future.
start the friday night games again pls schnee!
we are on this friday !
No pressure for casting and playing next time x)
one year to get over the pressure :D
Was nice to meet you Schneewittchen :)
bis zum nächsten mal und dann kein IBIS für euch :D
Nice meeting you :)

Much love, thank you for making the lan experience even better. Typing this from the airplane as we just landed.
btw nice u made up all the way for tha lan -- c u next
Was awesome to meet you man. <3
should i try to get ur unban ? :D
Won't work xd
not needed anyway or :D
gud stuff 2 rid
good times!
Nice weekend and nice having you on lan.
So next time we gonna see a solo cast by you?
ur cast > mine
no shoutout :(

eventho was rly nice to meet you. liked it alot to talk with u and u were our best mascot next to harry :) hope to see you again!
whole oxid team was mentioned!!
was nice meeting u
cu next lan
Quotekapot (for sure the most happiest guy around the venue)

Haha i smiled, thanks for the kind words! Was nice to meet you.
Hey schnee, better late than never, but it was nice to meet you. See you next time on the battlefield after your promise :D
i hope u enjoy ur win!!!
cu on the battlefield. i should start praccing already :D
Enjoying my well deserved vacation on the Bahamas from the won prize money (H)
nice life!! :D
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