Looking for a new clan.

Before i start, i just want to say that as a gamer (especially a retired one) it is amazing how many people have played ET in this tournament. I just want to mention that this was the first thing that was appealing to me and encouraged me to try and download ET and watch all the matches in the past few days. Respect to you guys and good luck with the future events

I think that the people involved in hosting said LANs should also get a lot of credit, from what i have seen - the ETTV IP posts, the twitch stream performance etc. is amazing. It can only lead to a fantastic viewing experience.

I am going to be straight and try and explain in the best way possible, because i know to most / if not all this is going to be something that gets a lot of negative attention and or responses. I am going to be as constructive as possible and i do not mean to offend anyone in this at all.

In terms of the clan, there are a few things that stand out for me. First let me just say that personally (and this is the part which i know most wont agree with) the clan has to be financially beneficial to join. I know most will say well fuck you, its a dead game now and we dont need that negative reason, but it is the truth. As the game and myself (note that im speaking for a few of my online buddies here too) grows older, priorities change and hence the step back from six hours of Radar prac every day. Personally i cant look at spending time to play a dead game whilst saving for a new grand piano. Let me also just add before i try to make my point that a lot of us and especially me have spent a hell of an amount of time over the past few years on playing clan wars - especially playing with punkbuster lag and those German servers with shit pings, let me just say that playing these types of games arent fun.

I have always looked at the past few clans that I have joined in trying to break even in terms of the time spent praccing. When i say break even - i mean that the cost of praccing is pretty much the same as the enjoyment that you can potentially experience. With this i dont include food / alcohol - as to me it is a luxury to be able to spend my praccing day with people that i have known for years and dont get the chance to play with at all or often.

Anyway, based on the points above i dont see there being a great chance of playing ET anymore based on my time and expenses unless I can find some form of multi gaming clan sponsorship. Regardless and if I don't play, i hope ET is a success and hope none of the above (admins especially) take the constructive criticism i have said personally.
Quote the clan has to be financially beneficial to join

FInd another game.
I have some friends aswell from the old clans and they keep asking me to play ET. I miss them very much but the game is nothing like it was before, so i wouldnt install it. I would enjoy praccing 2-3 days/ week if there would be an active, large competitive scene. Even if my team and me would be a bunch of tryhards:D
if everyone who says "i miss the game and would play again if the scene was more active" actually started to play again, the scene would be active.
it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy, you just have to start and it will happen.
No, it wouldnt. 100 more players would make no difference honestly, no money involved the "back coming players" would not play active enough anyway
Do we even have a competitive FPS? CSGO doesnt count. I am planning to buy it. I need Polish education

- PraciSlawa
QuoteAiming well in overwatch is much more difficult than in any other arena FPS (where it is already very hard to perform well) for the following reasons: first of all, the hitboxes of light fighters is little, and most of the action is long ranged. Secondly, the ground acceleration when one is switching directions is infinite, which makes dodging much more efficient than in quakeworld, hldm, q3/ql, or any other FPS. Finally, reading what happens in the battleground is very hard beacuse of all the fancy effects one can't remove, and the lack of bright skins. It is certainly illusionnary to think that one can aim as good in overwatch as one aims in any other FPS.
It's a MOBA because you have 'skills' that require no aim only positioning IE AOE ULTS and onscreen hits rather than actual skill/aim being involved. It's a lot like smite (if you check that) you have to aim 'basic' attacks there - difference is there is no 3d world like there is in OW
Quote because you have 'skills' that require no aim only positioning

Positioning is more important than aim in every competitive FPS though.
Positioning is only important to allow you to get an aiming advantage - you still have to aim and can not hit your opponent. However the no skill AOE ults are not FPS, they are moba. Shield rushes and dragons flying across the map :D gotta be kidding me ¬_¬
QuoteHowever the no skill AOE ults are not FPS, they are moba.

Except they aren't effective at all if you're just more mechanically skilled than your opponent. In fact at the highest level, teams that use more ults are more likely to lose.

QuoteShield rushes

Only effective against teams with poor positioning

QuoteDragons flying across the map :D gotta be kidding me ¬_¬

About as broken as an airstrike in ET/RTCW
I half agree with you, especially after a few hours you get pretty used to running for cover as soon as you hear an ult scream, but fucking dragons coming through walls is some bullshit.
It's still one of the worst ults in the game though. Like the only possible way for you to die to it, is either no awareness or being in a really bad position.
overwatch would be perfect if they remove the spread of soldier and make it less powerful. other characters are almost just fine as they are. Maybe roadhogs hook could still be a bit modified, but i dont care about that much really.

Idd I agree with the ult fact, you should be able to get through with one / two ults per team fight but sometimes you can even see 3 or 4 (doesnt happen that much on pro games I'd guess) ults, they get through but loose the next teamfight

Anyway, dragon ult is prolly the best ult in game if combo with zarya and they dont have like zenyattas ult to counter it :)

edit: and by perfect i mean character wise, not the whole gameplay wise :D still think the gameplay itself is booring
QuoteAnyway, dragon ult is prolly the best ult in game if combo with zarya and they dont have like zenyattas ult to counter it :)

That's because zarya's ult is one of the best ults in the game though :P Almost every ult is good when combo'd with graviton
zaryas ult is the best ult if there is something to combo with it, otherwise its useless :D You dont want to use it for a couple squish heroes, cant take anything else out if no some other ult combined :)
Not true at all, even without combo'ing it with other ults, you can easily get 2-4 picks. Taking out the DPS & Supports is huge and if the opponents' barriers are destroyed or on CD, you can easily teamwipe them without using any other ult at all.
big ifs all the time, if you catch them there, if you dont cath a reinhart in it whos shield is still up :P its situational
Quoteits situational

True, but that counts for every ult. For example, Nanoboost + Tactical Visor would be just as ineffective if you unload it on a reinhardt shield.
Yeh I suppose. Think it would go on and on, maybe it's better to think one uses ult when it's effective to use it but still, dragon ult is good, not only always with comboing it ;)
nice internet bully i bet u wouldnt say shit on lan :)
I'd fuck you up miNd m8

You might have won 5 ECs but I have big punch :)
cu next lan :)
gonna hit with ur piano?
Bigger than mama?
anyoned fuck miNd up lul

Try take on Bl4d3 or DirtyHarry
who is this noname scrub, go play jaymod
ask perfo
getting old rather fast
Nice waste of time Perfo. Do you play other games besides ET?
he's taken that raw ET aim to other pursuits:

ET > Real life.
Assuming the first two alineas are the ones you wrote yourself, thank you for the kind words.
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