Looking for a moviemaker

Before i start, i just want to say that as a community (especially the trickjumpers) it is amazing how many people have made movies in this game. I just want to mention that this was the first thing that was appealing to me and encouraged me to try and download ET and watch all the movies in the past 15 years. Respect to you guys and good luck with future movies.

I think that the people involved in making said movies should also get a lot of credit, from what i have seen - the variety in ways to jump over a single wall, the sound quality of the hardstyle music etc. is amazing. It can only lead to a fantastic viewing experience.

I am going to be straight and try and explain in the best way possible, because i know to most / if not all this is going to be something that gets a lot of negative attention and or responses. I am going to be as constructive as possible and i do not mean to offend anyone in this at all.

In terms of the movie, there are a few things that stand out for me. First let me just say that personally (and this is the part which i know most wont agree with) the movie has to be financially beneficial to jump in. I know most will say well fuck you, its a dead game now and we dont need that negative reason, but it is the truth. As the game and myself (note that im speaking for a few of my online buddies here too) grows older, priorities change and hence the step back from six hours of recording a jump every day. Personally i cant look at spending time to watch demos for a dead game while saving for a pair of new kreps. Let me also just add before i try to make my point that a lot of us and especially me have spent a hell of an amount of time over the past few years on recording jump demos - especially playing with unstable fps and those noobs blocking the jump mid-demo, let me just say that these type of demos arent fun.

I have always looked at the past few movies that I have starred in trying to break even in terms of the time spent jumping. When i say break even - i mean that the cost of jumping is pretty much the same as the enjoyment that you can potentially experience. With this i dont include food / alcohol - as to me it is a luxury to be able to spend my jumping day with people that i have known for years and dont get the chance to jump with at all or often.

Anyway, based on the points above i dont see there being a great chance of me releasing another movie based on time and expenses unless I can find someone to watch my demos for me as time is money, friend. Regardless and if I dont jump, i hope trickjumping is a success and hope none of the above (halfbeaters especially) take the constructive criticism i have said personally

here is a sample preview of the quality i expect from you and you can expect from me

United Kingdom Artstar
Germany Simooon/suuhk

can offer this
Get suuhk
Hahaha all these posts :D I think 50% don't even get what they are all about
Fifty percent of what?
50% of 50cent
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