Need active players

Hoi, as I am in A FUCKING WHEELCHAIR for about a month still, I'll have the time to nerd very hard in ET, there for I'm looking for a small group of people motivated to play regularly if they are free.
Not asking to make a team or what so ever, but playing some offis / wars with the same group of people would be awesome.

cu next LAN

Snatix, next LAN winner.

Also for the infos, I'm looking for players who know the basis of the game, you don't have to be high (only on drugs) or what ever, know how to give infos on teamspeak and have fun is all I ask. And of course be motivated in game :)
Another thing, I won't ask everyone to join this group, like I said I still want it to be relatively small (around 10 or 12 people). People I already know are on the top list already

For anyone willing to play / discuss, join #devotis
...count me in!
sure let's do this
avi papi!
Nice! you gonna stay active lukem8? awesome
gotta prac hard for next lan! :DDDDDDDDD
btw where do we meet up? like do we have a discord channel or irc channel or a whatsapp group?
dunno yet, for the moment let's join #devotis on irc then we'll see :)
Avi Snatix :D
if you need a low fops or rifle sometimes you can pm
u were a good rifle!
I'm always high on drugs, I can talk dirty in Dutch and looking to play ❤️
Well if you not looking only for high+-s then im avi as rifle for some fun
You can always whatsapp me if you want. Pretty busy, but if I got time I would like to play. Need to stay in form to defend the title for upcoming editions >:)
What form

Lel jk
fuck these guys. I will play with you and teach you not to dodge LANs.
LOL. Cu next LANm8, i'll bully you the way you bullied kApot!! ahah had a lot of fun watching you, feel free to play with us if you're available!
I love being bullied. Try it and it'll turn into a night of passionate bum sex;)))
so cu on friday? =)
Op went well today so should be recovered in time!!!
Get me in PApissone
Feel free to connect to ts There you will find a group of likeminded people, just hanging out, talking about life, either waiting for some internal mixes to start or playing them.

We play pretty much every evening (but they tend to start quite late). Nothing too serious. It's mostly about having some fun and enjoying the game.

Every kindred spirit is welcome. Only requirement that we have is that people have a mic (and preferably use it too ofc).

Cu there?
Hey! I'm aware of the community of yours, sure i'll hang out with you guys sometimes. This isn't exactly what I'm looking for, hence my post! I'd like to keep this group relatively "small", you know, hang out with the same persons when you play, improving our game a little even if that is not the main point. It won't matter if we take mercs during game or so, but i'd like to play with people I used to play with, or play with people which I never really had the chance to play much with!
I dont trust this wheelchair business, just admit ET started burning in you after lan :s
Where have you been noob
no where, playing once a week some casual ow ranked if anything >_>
Nice life, then play once a week with me in ET
dont have it installed l0l! not have had in a year!
ye kinda retarded from blizzard that they force u to play once a week fuckikn ow ranked if u dont wanna drop...
they force you to play everyday one game or 7 games in a day, its 7 games in a week what you must play.. i dont care about that though
if u need a low player, pm <3
kes ta fe encore
Sauté d'un mur, cassé le pied droit, entorse pied gauche gg. Tu deviens quoi ?
mdr je erre sur overwatch
ET alive :$
can u feel the spirit!!!? the positive vibes <3
snatix I heard you plan on breaking both your arms next time ....
Yp, I told you not to say anything, nobody will team up with me if they know that. oh and you're in the group aswell, welcome aboard
Put me in coach
Avi, we gotta start looking for 3rd small guy for our TEAM MIDGETS for the KGB V2 3on3 tournament
gl finding a third :D
FinlandSwanidius, the midget among midgets will fit it
yeah true, he is a midget too :D
There won't be a smaller guy then u! ;P
Btw, how's ur road to first finnish Mr. OLYMPIA goin?
Haha hey buddy just pmme when you need help with your biceps im sure i can help you out!
I am a midget 1,63m. How tall are you?
devotis is back!
Yeaaaaah boy
avi to rek
lololol u nerd!!!
ahah says Woott!!!
break a leg u nub, oh noes wait xD
You are lucky I wasn't there this LAN...
hows wheelchairtennis for you these days? :DDDD
10-12 active players, dunno why you are asking 50% of playerbase, don't think it will work. ET has been dead for 10 years already, no one is and no one will play it since ~2010...
Yet you were making tutorials 6 years ago
:D fuck you and cu next LAN
first game was awesome!
I can play some games
But wait why are you crippled?
I'm a big fan of Professor Xavier
Only thing worse than no legs is no hair.
Is that you rubber snatix?
wtf is that creepy crap? also you have to come irc aswell
maybe. need irc first :D
i might be able to play once or so a week in june if you still need someone
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