Anyone for some Overwatch?

I noticed that Oveerwatch was reduced to like £16 so thought i'd pick it up. Does anyone here fancy carrying me to the top or are you all bent asf?

Anyway add potty#2643 if you wanna play.

Recovering from an op I had yesterday so I have a lot of spare time right now.
ow isnt good for u heart!

ow is only playable with friends else u gona end up with 5 dps players in ur team :;D
Come play with me then bitch!
only fun 4k+ :D
could be but im playin to rare to reach this :D im always dropping down due inactivity
I hope the OP did go allright and wish you a quick recovery. <3
I might give OW a try if i get it as cheap as you did.
It's on offer in the blazzard store right now. Think in euros its like 19.99?

I have Overwatch, but I played it so much I've grown sick and tired of it ( and of the community. )

I've installed ET though.
Think we are planning on playing ET at the weekend. Schnee is the organiser for that stuff though!

Yeah I had an op yesterday to fix my torso. Muscles ripped and I have a hernia. Hopefully it heals ok now!
as if you made me buy overwatch before a free weekend, you humungous gaping cunt of a man
nice! wb =)
im ready for some 3v3's
ask Suuhk for some OW :>
He is shit mate, wouldn't wanna lower myself to somebody elses level.
i still play pretty actively, have a team that scrims a lot :)

soloq is pretty bad tho lol, suggest you find people to play ranked with later on
get a beta key for qc and enjoy :>
Had a key for ages. Found it super boring. Overwatch seems a lot more fun
Added you. OW is free to play this weekend, so I just started the download.

Will be like the blind leading the blind. :D
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