*BiO* Server comeback!!!!

Hey Crossfire community!

Im happy to anounce that *BiO* Server is comeback!!!!!

No retarded Admins and mods on srv.
Like on Klient Pro.

image: et

We are still tweaking the server and we want to ask the community what they want.

The server is hosted in Germany

Current maprotation:
- Goldrush
- Sp_Delivery
- Braundorf_b4
- Supply
- Missile_b3
- Karsiah_te2
- Radar

There is a new public server online where 99,9% of the players are gonna camp behind walls and etc.

If you have any suggestions for the maprotation, please let me know ;)

Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you in the server!

Sorry i forgot to add IP : :)

Sry for bad englsh:)
image: 418ee14e962e71b1c32d41e7cec06bb9
pls only 16max player per server :s then rather get 2 servers :D

but ty! couldnt stand klient anymore it evolved to a random jaymod server
we gonna set it to 20 max but ty for advice
bring back telenet
dont think u were even born back then
i had ref login on telenet, i don't even think you had a normal voice back then :) i've always felt bad when people were laughing about your voice on ts but if you want to act like a retard go ahead
swani has a point tho, you are as newschool as it gets anf telenet hasnt been on for like 10 years. Maybe you were just trolling him, dontbupsetplz
my oldest yawn is from 2005 lol, my brother always let me play ET when I was bored


BuLL even used to complain how an 8 year old kept rekking him on public :s
And then you woke up from your dream ...
looooooool youd mad cuz an 8 year old was older schooler than you and it´s 100x better
Neither are true also I have no idea who this former 8 year old hero is.
I think everyone had ref pw and priv slot pw at some point on there :d
he actually played on telenet when he was 7-8 ;)
loooooooooool tried to bully maus´ little brother and got sat down
Not bully, just a harmless joke=( ppl needs to chill more or I need to learn better jokes
it's okay <3
It's people's fault, not yours swanm8
and efterlyst!
still had to use /timescale 100 and wait for 10 minutes before you could actually get in the server :D
and swertcw!
No need to timescale, just use private password /helmet

where is braundorf?

and i agree. limit to 16 players would be nice. everything else is a mess.
brandorf too small map for pub and slots are set to 18 + 4 extra priv slots also we replace Escape to Braundorf
ok! but nice effort! =)
that sounds rly good! great initiative!
so join Leute!!!!
lovely news! lets hope i can join the server at 4 a.m. without waiting on someone to disconnect
Now we just need TZAC back
Yesss a new public to rape
I give it 2 days before 0 players on it 24/7

Besides, GG on trying to ride on the good name of the *Bio* public. So much for originality. Let's steal a name and run a server with a shit mappool!
Sounds good to me, where do I sign up to this?!

Can Crossfire admins/league admins not get together and run a community server aimed at comp players/old players.

Have a server aimed at 6 on 6 players with default rules. 14 slot server with max team size of 6? This way specs are there ready to jump in if someone leaves ect?
sounds like a shit idea mate
There are more than enough etpro servers with "original names" empty 24/7 , at least using an old known name to the server gives it a little chance to become something...

But great positivity u got there!! The guy just opened his new server and you two come here to bash him, so petty.
Oh no don't get me wrong. I admire the spirit and effort, but like Zenix posted somewhere else in the comments, it takes more than just a mappool and stealing a known name for a public to become popular.
Yes finally a normal etpro server, got sick of the 2 rifles and 4 airstrikes per 30 sec, gj!
Couldn't agree more!
Dupa kurwa lizodupny lamusie pederasto
you forgot the 3 panzers per team
Need priv slot pw thx
5 euro and u got it
Nigga pls back in the days Kevlar or whatever his name was would always give it to me :p
We were talking on lan about *BiO*. Nice one!
not only about that *winks*
No it's not. How hard is it to come up with a name yourself instead of stealing a well-known one. Lame imho.
Does it hurt your feelings that they use Bio? You are lame complaining about a pub you wont even play in tbh.
Has nothing to do with hurting my feelings. Has all to do with simply stealing a name in order to try to make their pub popular. That in and of itself is simply lame.

I actually connected to that pub.. twice.. both times empty, so I recon potty wasn't all wrong when he said "I give it 2 days before 0 players on it 24/7"
bring back UPL*Eurogrounds
BIO without UK host?
Players: 0/18

Finally, gj
Bio in Germany without Sphere, nice joke.
I can also make a random server with the same settings with the name Efterlyst.. Or lets make another NBS( also empty)

If you want to fill an empty a public server kleintpro.pl is a good example how to do it.
- Get a lot of dedicated admins (on kleintpro almost always a admin around)
- Players that are active on the server should be admin or have more privileges, so they keep comming back.

It's not hard, but you will need to invest time in it to set it up properly and make sure you don't get another failure like the lastest NBS servers. Most servers admins just set it up and expect it to be filled, but you need to have some sort of dedication and trusted players.

Make the server stopwatch(if i remember correctly Telenet or Bio had that in the past, Efterlyst was single map with xp shuffle before each map started)

Remove the following maps:
- Missile_b3
- Karsiah_te2

It's not because I don't like them, but people leave because of these maps. Most just want to play deli,gold,supply all day long. The NBS server with only delivery was really popular because of that. Further limit the XP rewards to lvl1 on all all classes, so everyone will get some more ammo and mega ammo packs.

Try to combine stopwatch with XP shuffle before each map, than you have unique features from Telenet and Efterlyst combined.
+1 Post approved.
Current maprotation:
- Goldrush
- Sp_Delivery
- Braundorf_b4
- Supply
- Missile_b3
- Karsiah_te2
- Radar

make it either 12min Stopwatch or 15mins (supply,deli,gold 20mins) with shuffle after each map is finished
So basically what I said. I was in doubt about radar, but could be removed yes, some people don't like it seems.
radar best map :o
Key to succes like klientpro: Ddos servers which are competing about the playerbase your server needs and advertise your server there when people struggling with lags.
Good stuff
seriously change this garbage rotation

allow for map and time voting
and while he's at it, change the f-ing name!
bio without uk host?
bring back butchji's test SERVER instead of dis slopply-troll-traps, like "v586"
bring back ESL|baq
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