Which beer ET players like most?

Becks i harnaś z kija
twojego starego
Not cool enough to drink alcoholic drinks
No you! Don't drink it's bad for you wanker
talking while having hangover or whats up potty :D
Water only. That's the best method! No hangover for Me!!! How are your post lan blue?
fine! had holidays last weekend. going to short vacation tomorrow morning again! :P
so worked round about 4 days since lan :D:D
Fantastic! I am glad to hear, I was really crap when I got back so bought another kitten to go with princess pebbles. Her name is Princess Poppey :DDDDD
oh sweeett!!!!! cats <3
Double jack, every 43 min, confirmed by a knod by the bartender, as if we knoe eachother for years. starting with 3 rocks, then 2 and so forth.
To get drunk: Karhu
To enjoy: Ipas, leffe, guinnes and trying to find some new tastes but tend to forget the names to order again next time =)
proper guinness
image: pdp_1440x900__0001_guinness_draught_spritz2_bottle
Augustiner Edelstoff
JAWOHL, so hört sich gutes arisches Bier an!
heineken, tyskie, tannenzäpfle

there are a lot. i like beer
German beer in general such as Krombacher / Radeberger / Bitburger.

But Heinken / Amstel is also nice.

A decent Romanian beer I can recommend is Ursus even tho you cannot compare it to quality beer.
Will tell you the name of the brewery after friday's beer festival, it was the most phenomenal IPA I had in my life, fucking amazing
for gaming: koff,karhu,karjala

beach/chill : Corona, brooklyn brewery, ipas, stallhagen.

Get the app named "Untappd" got around 30-40k different beers there, tasted around 950 different beers this far.
Always find it funny when people are saying they like IPA or ALE while on the beach/somewhere sunny, feels way too heavy to really enjoy it even when it's cold as fuck - though Corona is so soft it's like water in the sun
Always find it funny when people that just turned 18 talk about beer. jk. each and everyone have their own taste.
Wanted to say it also XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
wish I was 18 again :s
i dont drink alcohol ..so... no thx ...
gay ciders.
ask twidi
disgusting brom8
tried that a&w thingie or whatever its called and didnt like it at all :D
:D it's so good though
Grolsch, Gulpener, Hertog Jan... in that order.

and anyone that said "heineken" should realize that Dutchies regard it as sewer waste.

Ronner toch...
This. I've been sitting on my hands.

Heineken is NOT beer... :D
Arboga 10,2
Cara pils obviously
Erzquell best bier
AH Brouwerspils
Becks , Tyskie , Despo
Jever all the way!
To get fucked and to enjoy in the warm weather:
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No alcohol
It has to be a kind of joke.... hidden text was LAGer, but... eghm. You taked topic too seriously :D
Brinkhoffs No. 1
Blue Moon is my favorite beer
ole tarkka ota pirkka
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image: 1398221709
i c wat u did thar
don't care, just come at me bro
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