OBS / FPS / ET issue [SOLVED]

hi cf,

reffering to http://www.crossfire.nu/journals/156046/obs-fps-et-issue
I am glad to say that streaming ET with 125 fps @ r_fullscreen 1 is working fine now for me
The fellow steps worked for me:

  • IF you got NVIDA you should uninstall all the driver
  • Go the website of NVIDIA http://www.geforce.com/drivers
  • Try to find an older version so NOT the most recent one.

Problem solved

image: maxresdefault
thanks to Finlandfrokse
cheers will take a look, recent nvidia drivers caused me some weird ghost/refresh bugs on closed windows on the desktop - mainly just annoying though :D
anyone solved the 144hz going to 60hz after vid_restart :D?
- mainly just annoying though :D
r_displayrefresh 0? Then it uses whatever refresh rate windows itself is on instead of windows and ET fighting over which setting to use, can't agree and decide to fall back to a safe 60
yesh, tried both 0 and 144 even cl_125hz doesnt make a diff.
have to minimize and change my refreshrate from nvidia drivers/monitor settings :D
even told the nvidia driver to use explicitly 144hz refres rate when et is runing in drivers, no fucks given after vid restart back to 60 XD
Tried a complete clean uninstall of nvidia drivers and reinstall latest?
cba, since i play some other games that benefit from newest drivers(ithinq) but had same problem in my last windows install where there wer older drivers
This was actually the issue? damn im good
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