Australian ET Community

Is there such a thing anymore?

Dying to play some ET but I can imagine that my ping on Euro servers will be pretty unplayable? Looks like there is a few active servers in OZ but does anyone even play on them any more?
Do you really want to know or are you just reminding us you're in Australia?
Yep, I want to know. Who needs reminding when it wasn't known in the first place? Who cares
You should be looking for American servers, West Coast. Your ping will be only 148-198, which is still playable.
All their servers are east coast only these days, West coast ET community is dead :(
You would be referring to ET Pro specifically though ye? Like it seems there's lots of US servers running Jaymod etc etc
Yeah etpro, the jaymod servers are ultra laggy for me :(
around 200 to 333 ping from au to eu :D
think u might be better off playing with the NA community :D
Occasionally I play on them, so yes, there are a handful of players like me left ;)
But what a handful... :D
I remember a guy from either Australia or New Zealand who was playing at HBC with a 300 ping and he was a beast, so it IS possible.
I think my boys midas and biggz are playing on some eu pubs from time to time, sadly no dongo
ask biggz, he is the king of australian et scene
We usually win. Basic gaming.
ask Dersaidin.

Please ask him to make new ET map aswell.

tell him hi from me
hi back 2 u
how's it going over there?
Not too great man. Living in a small country town milking cows from 6pm - 6am
Found your calling huh?
damn, doesn't sound too pleasant :p
How R the cows mate?
350 ping from east coast, 400 from West coast! Australian ET has been dead and buried for a few years now. Best to play with the Americans if you get a chance (250 ping usually). They sometimes play weekends around lunch time AEST.
Hes welcome anytime :x
2k17 and still 200ping nice gg blame ipod
servers -- worldwide
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