ET Lua Client ETpro 3.2.6 compatible

Over the past few months there has been some development on a new ET client. As of now its a work in progress client and will be subject to change and updates over the next few months.

Right now the client fully supports lua and has a lot of settings you can tweak and change.
Our biggest accomplishment so far with this client is that we are able to fully support ETpro 3.2.6 without any problems.

Mod support(tested):
Silent 0.8.2+
ETpro 3.2.6(non punkbuster)
Jaymod 2.2.0 ( also supports F|A Servers )
Nitmod 2.3.1

I will post the lua script that we have made so you can get a general idea of what can be capable with this client. As of now its private and will be released soon with full feature and api wiki.

Heres a small video showing it working.

If anyone is interested in testing it out privately and/or help make scripts for it feel free to get in contact with me.
You tested it enough on nbs didn't you?
i don't get what youre doing explain?
he's implanting new heart to a horse that get beaten to death 4 years ago
4 years??? Try like 10.

makes sense... i guess? but i dont understanding what you trying to say here

there was not a single case in medical history where a horse got a heart transplant
the corpse of a horse would decay so much after 4 years, where even if there was a will there wont be a way
i havent seen a single horse picture in his presentation

so what i dont get is how can you fix something that by all terms is considered removed from existence?
the so called horse was born with defects that even a mother cant love, the constant long face was not the problem... the horse doesnt even run like a horse and is flawed so simply doing magic and hoping the jizz covered saddle will make it better, its not how it works.. ever tried to open a broken door held together by duck tape? the door are there in the frame looking socially acceptable and not mentally challenged everything looks normal with a quick duck tape cover, untill you attempt to open them and find urself laying down on the wooden floor with retarded door doing what retarded doors do.. there is no santa,magic or horse that kicks the life back in something so broken and dead that it rolls out of the fucking bed 7 in the morning doing jumping jacks while planing his new day

i guess i still dont get it.. what exactly is it that he is trying to do again?

what is he doing to et tho... I don't get it whats gonna change? all I seen is him connecting to a server lol
It's an ET client that supports lua scripting language client side. one of the only clients that can connect to an ETpro server thats not an official client.
thats awesome :D loading ur costumizable hud never ben easier before, oh my.. all the stuff you could do with this :D props to anyone who made this :D

but on the flipside
basicly a hack to load hacks easier i guess XD
Fun stuff ^_^
Nice saved et
Damnit. 10 years too late bro.
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