10 fucking years ago!

Damn, time flies. Still the best game ever! :)

Oh yeah 10 years ago i released my last gaming movie thing:

I might actually do some more at some point since im no longer doing video for a living and can enjoy it as a hobby :)
n1 man ! :)
oh the memories man
superboy the legend

trdega imam, just sayin
still my favorite fragmovie
This is easily one of my favourite ET / Wolf movies ever! I always loved the grush frag scene at tower (just checked, it's about 1:30 in) just watching the way the axis model moves round proning, dodging and shooting the allied team to shit seemed pretty sick to me :O)
It took a damn long time to animate and properly record that sequence :D
What kind of work did you do?
Im working for a studio designing furniture mainly for perfume shops all over the world.

The technical stuff and realization, not the actual look.

Its a fun change from video, which i was doing since 2010 till earlier this year.

Video work has really depreciated over the years. Too many people are doing it and gear is getting cheaper by the year. I did have fun 5 years traveling around doing shots for a car tv show, but the money just wasn't there. Especially because Slovenia is such a small market.
Remember winning TWK in 3on3 OC finals 8)
Onko Masa Mainio jo töissä, vai vaihdetaanko sun nimi Masa Epämainioksi? Hehe (huumoria)
Oon esports-koulussa Orivedellä.

Mitäs ensam? Osaatko viel koodaa mitä tahansa?
Tietenkin mä osaan
At the same time also one of the last ET fragmovies that was actually good.
congratz man from FuturDaddy
You also have 13 years old profile, so oldschool we are. I remember playing purans and TWK.
Good times :)
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