Best IRC quotes

Paste your favourite IRC quotes here.

<topek>: got game, need 11 merc
QuoteVanitasREPLY today, 10:51
How about admins? I hope so that serv is not aviable for shit admin like onion or klobby.
Best quote of the year 2017 imo !

image: KQeI8Jv
[21:43] <BoSsik> < 6on6 offi hodor vs TSB{
i co myslisz debilu ze wszystkiego najlepszego napisze ci z okazji urodzin?
nie ? nawet bym nie przyjął , usunal czy tam zgosil post ? Pluje na twoje zyczenia jakies
>pisanie komus publicznie zyczen urodzinowych

*tfu* fjucie
Irc logs not allowed on
[14:45] <rezta> Irc logs not allowed on
[18:51] <Dudinsky> [14:45] <rezta> Irc logs not allowed on
[13:37] * YOKOOFF is now known as yokoo
(Tites shoots someone until he's almost dead, but then dies himself)
<Tites> 1 low
(fumble comes, misses all his bullets, dies and gets mad)
<fumble> He's not low at all!

<3 never forgetti
inb4__logs.ban (Beavis and butthead Memes are my life!!! )
France<taichi`> trop de branlettes tue ET

Polandsb BloOdje : coming at lan?
Polandsb BloOdje : cu there hacking noob
Was a very long time ago though :D
[13:57] <+zusoul> heey,why is our team deleted from the maplist?!?

¬ 22:10] <suVi`> ¸hey [CB]Homer
[22:10] <suVi`> guess what
[22:10] <suVi`> caen decider
[22:10] <suVi`> too bad ur et wont work
[22:10] <@[CB]Homer> >D
[22:10] <suVi`> :XDDDDDDDDDDDD
[22:10] <@[CB]Homer> gonna take a revenge for that comment tonight suVi`
[22:10] <suVi`> [CB]Homer
[22:10] <suVi`> u can always check replay
nice you still remember ur shit work as an admin back then

so do i
Seems like nerd is still mad :D
jackie <3

Have you heard of him? Is he fine or having cancer in a wheelchair?

Haha, haven't heard from him in a while. Guess he's fine ;)
Get coke from the local shop - Rafek
[14:13] <ipod__> nait mad cuz he lost E
[14:13] <ipod__> EC
[14:13] <ipod__> X:D:XD
[14:13] <Artstar> :D
[14:13] <Artstar> did he lose ec?
[14:13] <ipod__> yeah
[14:13] <Artstar> LOL I FORGOT
[14:13] <ipod__> XD
[14:13] <Artstar> we played together
[14:13] <ipod__> HE WAS ON UR TEAM
[14:13] <ipod__> XD
[14:13] <ipod__> FUCKING MORON
[06:56] <ipod__> wat grade r u in
[06:56] <Fat> none
[06:56] <ipod__> niceone
[06:56] <Fat> studying for fisher
[06:56] <Fat> :d
[06:56] <ipod__> LOL
[11:00:47] <ipod> lol
[11:00:49] <ipod> my co worker
[11:00:52] <ipod> just messaged me
[11:00:56] <ipod> and told me my boss is out
[11:00:57] <ipod> gg wp
[11:01:09] <ipod> i guess the frags will go from 2-10 pm
[11:01:12] <ipod> instead of 5-10 pm
<revipod> how are the girls there
<chmpppppp> girls lol
<chmpppppp> there are no girls here
<revipod> LOL
<chmpppppp> im in middle of forest
(00:46:16) (jackie^) lick my balls mongol fucker you abuse little childeren and putting toys in there behind
(00:46:22) (jackie^) you german sexmongol


(02:42:52) (jackie^) you mother with cancer while shes getting sexually abused by morrocien boys fucking idiot you suck pussy from mongol girls of 10


(00:45:00) (jackie^) no server mongol clitlicker


(@jackie^) your bald mother with 3 left knees in a wheelchair with solf wheels..


<jACKIE> ILL HOPE YOUR MOM DIES OF HIV YOU FUCKING MORON AND YOUR FATHER GETS RAPPED BY 10 LITTLE NIKKER KIDS you mother fucking zithead cockface ill cut your mom into little peaces and trow here over a applepie

(12:35:20) (aegruS`afro) he fuck you dickhead or ill slice your little wiener butterass


jackie^ on 03/08/07, 02:44:28 PM | Reply

no problem mushroomhead just for cocksucking admins doesnt mean you dont deserve ban like the real heros get, now go pis in decem mouth


jackie^ on 03/08/07, 11:41:53 PM | Reply

i heared investigators found some white sticky stuff on your sweaters


<jACKIE^^> im farting a hole in my chair


aegruS.aFRo: kitty met der dikke kankerklit en vieze plofkutej


aegruS.jACKIE: your dead mother with cancer on her tits with black hair on it. You cocksucking peace of shit i'll put a cockring around ur moms neck and piss in her behind while ur dad is eating steak and fistfucking himself


(17:50:07) (jackie^) lelijke kanker kind
(17:50:16) (jackie^) je kale kanekr moeder zonder armen
(17:50:17) (jackie^) kanekr bezem
(17:50:22) (jackie^) zeg toz en ik eet je kanker slet
(17:50:26) (jackie^) ik breek je kk neus
(17:50:31) (jackie^) dik kleiun lelijk kanker jong


(14:33:42) (@jackie^) vieze kanker aids patienten
(14:33:59) (@jackie^) valt er nog wat te owne hier of hoe zit dat, met jullie schrale teelballetjes


(15:50:55) (jackie) now go fuckyour sis cuz i think shes they only ony who wants to get abused by a guy with a pickuptruck head


(15:55:33) (jackie) or maybe you are farted out of the pussy
(15:55:36) (jackie) and broke your brains


<jACKIE^> wat een kankermongool, lijkt mij pure aimbotterij!


(18:28:33) (@jACK``) ja ik ga kleine meisjes
(18:28:36) (@jACK``) hun klitje afsnijden
(18:28:38) (@jACK``) haha
(18:28:40) • @jACK`` slaps BuLL`` around a bit with a large trout
(18:28:43) (@jACK``) farmertje
(18:28:58) (@BuLL``) hahahaha
(18:29:04) (@jACK``) brb aftrekke ga nooit te werk met een geladen pistool ;o


(15:15:13) (Koe`) why do you ask if i may know?
(15:17:10) (BuLL``) hi
(15:17:15) (BuLL``) im back from pownage
(15:17:22) (BuLL``) uh


aegruS.AFRO: Im so angry cuz Hype's mom left mustache hair with the last blowjob


K*jak.duKe_: are you so angry because you suck?
aegruS.AFRO: your dead cancer mother in a wheelchair


(13:11:46) (@jACK``) he farmer word da heute nog gespield en quotjes verzameld ;o


jackie: ik zit helemaal te knetteren achter men PC, kzit helemaal te schuimbekken.. heb nog een halve jonkel liggen en kan helemaal niet meer type :D


(15:19:56) (jACKIE) your childpornrapistmongol go fuck your grandpa in his elektronic wheelchair with hardtop pussylicking tyfustard


<jACKIE> or il slap you into a woodenwheelchair you cancer tyfus balhair with hiv on your vagina your hermafrodit nikker grandma abuser


jackie^: he fucking cancercamper, you prolly have cancer all over your body how you were sitting there in that shitholding


C4L/jaCKIE@haCKIE: better care
C4L/jaCKIE@haCKIE: about ur parents
C4L/jaCKIE@haCKIE: who are driving around in wheelchairs
C4L/jaCKIE@haCKIE: with pacemakers and cancer in their hands
C4L/jaCKIE@haCKIE: now die rup and get a life or i rape all ur grandma's in there behinds


jACKIE pming TosspoT after the release of the Fusenlist

(19:35:21) (@jackie) who made that list
(19:35:21) (@jackie) with afrohead on the top
(19:35:21) (@jackie) there is no hax on my pc anymore since 2 years
(19:35:21) (@jackie) you fucking cancer mongol
(19:35:22) (@jackie) i hope your mnother dies you cancner idiot go fuck chmppie and lettu in ther ass with a dildo you cancer ballhead
(19:35:24) (@jackie) next time ill fish on you with your pookie eyes fucking newb putting me in top i neverf hax
(19:35:27) (@jackie) you cancer idiot
(19:35:28) (@jackie) i hope your crossfire faggets but not you most more bullvox ronner and that cancer fusen will all getr fucked in there behinds till there asses are as red as a bavoon


(13:41:17) (afro-) fucking cancersufferingpeople abuser


(03:55:36) (Lun4t1C) vieze vuile kanker koeienmelker ga toch met die gieter over moeders hangende uitgezakte buik harken !


<p0wn|jaCkie> you cancer cheater
<p0wn|jaCkie> i hope ur mom dies
<p0wn|jaCkie> in a car accident
<p0wn|jaCkie> noobie mongol haxer
<Synchro.Switch> stop fucking thx, fdp
<p0wn|jaCkie> the only one who is fucking
<p0wn|jaCkie> is someone you know very well
<p0wn|jaCkie> becuz its ur mom and she sucks my cock empty


(01:18:54) (savage``) I don't have glasses :<
(01:19:23) (ovr`BuLL) (01:19:16) (@Lun4t1C) -[]--[]-
(01:19:26) (ovr`BuLL) and now u do!
(01:19:37) (savage``) guess so ;i


(@Dreki) I just realized something.
(@Dreki) A is the 1st letter of the alphabet and H is the 8th letter, right?
(@Dreki) 9/11=0.8181818181=HAHAHAHA.


(17:43:11) • jackie sneezes in alexL's face
(17:43:15) (jackie) your hiv mothers
(17:43:16) (jackie) newbies
(17:43:18) (alexL) ok?
(17:43:20) (jackie) idd
(17:43:27) (alexL) our server we decide
(17:43:34) (jackie) your server you have hiv
(17:44:01) (alexL) jackie so good jokes
(17:44:04) (jackie) thx
(17:44:10) (jackie) i know you alwasy laugh so stfu
(17:44:20) (jackie) now go fuck savage zitface in his wowass
(17:44:30) (savage`) jackie, one of you voted yes ;<
(17:44:40) (jackie) yeah that was my mom she hates me
(17:44:41) (jackie) since today
(17:45:18) (ovr`M1lk) tell 'em jackie
(17:45:25) (ovr`M1lk) those mongol weelchair retards
(17:45:29) (savage`) :D
(17:45:32) (alexL) ehm?
(17:45:33) (jackie) idd woodingwheelfuck mongol klitlickers


(17:47:37) (@jackie) 17:45:40) (rolnik) hi
(17:47:39) (@jackie) (17:45:41) (rolnik) pw
(17:47:41) (@jackie) (17:45:54) (( /whois start ))
(17:47:43) (@jackie) (17:45:54) —› rolnik is "mistrzow" ([email protected])
(17:47:45) (@jackie) (17:45:54) —› rolnik reg in
(17:47:47) (@jackie) (17:45:54) —› rolnik using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(17:47:49) (@jackie) (17:45:54) (( /whois end ))
(17:47:51) (@jackie) (17:46:00) (jackie) die of cancer cancer mongol


at the CDC4 Pokertournament:

Matias: He fost, you don't really have a pokerface..
foSt: nop, but you got a cancerface :D


(13:02:49) (HB-FiREBALL-) 3 o clock after 3-4 hours playing
(13:03:08) (HB-FiREBALL-) "azzor: comon guys concantrate"
(13:03:19) (HB-FiREBALL-) "fost: je comon cancertrate :D"


c 4 L - Afr0: he fuck off there, we want to trickjump
c 4 L - Afr0: your mother with cancer
random CoD4 player: what..?
c 4 L - Afr0: move it man, wtf..
random CoD4 player: :\
c 4 L - Afr0: your naked mother with a dildo in her ass so far her shit comes out of her nose
random CoD4 player: i love you man
c 4 L - Afr0: i love ur mothers dildo
c 4 L - Afr0: you mother.. i hope she suffers very long and then dies


jACKIE: Ik geef jou moeder een lesje in snel pijpen en klaarkomen, dan hoeven niet zoveel mensen haar te verminken om haar slechte daad


aegruS.afro: your anus is gonna hurt even more wenn you dont unpause
aegruS.afro: we put in wheelchair in its


aegruS.afro: ur a loser die in hell
aegruS.afro: and let ur team die aswell


jACKIE: your naked bold mother with amputated legs cancerfardhead
random ettv watcher: your not funny
jACKIE: your mother is not funny
jACKIE: cuzx she is criple
jACKIE: you farthead
random ettv watcher: cu at lan jackie


(02:34:09) (@Ronner) mij zal 't allemaal een kenkerworst wezen.. ik suck, zuip, neuk en heb fun


jACKIE^^ ([email protected]): dee net ff 5o5je
jACKIE^^ ([email protected]): met ata en maus
jACKIE^^ ([email protected]): 10-1-2 :D p[werrr
jACKIE^^ ([email protected]): ,me


jACKIE talking to a female pro-gamer

(jACKIE_) (16:14) see you
(jACKIE_) (16:18) because you didnt say byebye im gonna rip your leggs and put them in your pussy stinky kk hoertje
(aG`Juliebabz) (16:26) :d
(aG`Juliebabz) (16:26)np
(aG`Juliebabz) (16:33) im back now tho
(aG`Juliebabz) (16:33) me and my rat was on the beach today
(aG`Juliebabz) (16:33) hes asleep now


<jackie> guys feel free to baf little kids in ther behinds


(18:38:47) (@jackie) pown 4 life !
(18:38:55) (@TCM|M1lky) =D
(18:38:57) (@TCM|M1lky) 4life
(18:39:14) (@jackie) :D
(18:39:22) (@jackie) ben je in de silent pwn ?
(18:39:30) (@jackie) ik heb mijn pctje weer bendedn :D
(18:39:55) (@jackie) die kanker hond heeft de hele nacht staan blaffe vanacond tape ik hem in en leg hem in de kelder ;O


jACKIE`AFK: high skiller my ass vieze stinkende kanke retard met je opas vuist in je aaker kk nichtneukende dwangbaf


(14:53:11) —› topic: aegruS.ET moved to kidraping and toybehinding - #c4L
(14:53:11) —› set by: jACKIE`AFK

jACKIE talking to some CoD4 player ingame:

c4L - Afro: <3 adolf hitler
c4L - Afro: i wish all nikkers were death you to?
LoZo: yeeee
c4L - Afro: i love marc dutroux
c4L - Afro:im the monster af belgium
LoZo: what do you think about the things going on in the Iraq?
c4L - Afro: mmm
c4L - Afro: i hope they kill all muslim wifes
c4L - Afro: and fistfuck them


c4L - Afro: you fucky fucky tiny kids in ther behinds


o_0 JACK: your mothers rotten pussy
o_0 JACK: your my son ross
o_0 JACK: i raped your family
R0SS: your mother has a cock jackie stfu
R0SS: u are a testube baby
o_0 JACK: you wannabe me
o_0 JACK: noob

o_0 JACK: ross i told you
o_0 JACK: i dont fuck your mom
o_0 JACK: i fistfuck her
R0SS: cool
o_0 JACK: dotn need a dick


jACKIE as "madscientist's cfg"

madscientist's cfg: you father to
madscientist's cfg: he sucks cocks
madscientist's cfg: for broodje hotdock
madscientist's cfg: now leave


jACKIE in a random 3on3 after a pause

c4L|jACKIE: dat gepauze altijd van jullie
p5'NzZ: je kanker moeder
p5'NzZ: heb fpslag
c4L|jACKIE: je kale kkvader
c4L|jACKIE: in een rolstoel
c4L|jACKIE: lelijk kankerventje
p5'NzZ: heb fpslag jonge w8 is ff
c4L|jACKIE: ja en met je kk aids moeder
c4L|jACKIE: die ik neuk
c4L|jACKIE: kankerslet
p5'NzZ: bekijk eerst je dode oma
c4L|jACKIE: ja, jouw oma wordt verkracht door een wasbeer


jACKIE on msn:

kevin says (23:11):
for life
little grandpa fucker
get the toys out of your behind and lets pwn with chemokuurtjes


jACKIE^: haha dont pretend you have a real life your real life starts wenn you crawl back into your HD kiddy rapist


jACKIEsays (17:18):

if u guys will be active again this winter, we can do some fun things like et or cod4/5.. instead of abusing kids in little wooden wheelchairs..

jACKIEsays (17:21):

he farmer, i gtg..

jACKIE says (17:22):

we'll keep in touch and gl with the abusing of mongol kids..

jACKIE says (17:23):

stick the toys in there lungs and feat their brains to marokian underaged kids


(jACKIE) PULZAAAA YOU ugly noob wannabe punker or whatever rebel fagget. why you took your profile picture away were the truck drove over your unwashed face. you talk tough but the only girlfriend you had in life had here fucking face pierced all over and probably a tweety tattoo on her heroin arm now die slow and painfull you poor east european nolifer


(jackie) cancer noob lineup for wheelchair faggets who aim like the are using a wooding ballmouse with ther own ball in it

(jackie) now fu get cancer cancer cool cancerpwnde just cancer mongolkidabusers


jackie^ on 15/12/08, 13:09:03 PM | Reply



jackie^ on 15/12/08, 13:14:04 PM | Reply



to "ratzilla":
jackie^ on 16/12/08, 12:19:04 PM | Reply

you poor fucking fagget, with your gay question go stick your fist in your mothers filty ass you zidface cancer pie. your ugly unwashed tyfus tard


(17:43:30) (JACKIE^) get out of teh wheelchair fucking abuser
(17:43:34) (JACKIE^) en fuck some kids from behind
(17:43:37) (JACKIE^) toyboybehinder


(16:31:13) jackie^ : he kankernoob
(16:31:13) jackie^ : wat add je allemaal retards aan c4l dan
(16:31:13) jackie^ : en zet je mij in onderzoek ben je niet goedwijs ofzo
(16:31:13) jackie^ : of moet ik een wheely in je anus stoppe idiooot
(16:31:13) jackie^ : met die rotte buitenlanders die niet kunnen aimen 5 man is genoeg hoor
(16:31:13) jackie^ : fking kanker dikke pansy
(16:31:13) jackie^ : lijperrik
(16:31:13) jackie^ : en kanker ook op met naga
(16:31:13) jackie^ : jullie fucken echte c4l
(16:31:13) jackie^ : :s
(16:31:13) jackie^ : ga maar met die east europeaantjes spelen die weten niet eens wat c4l is en waar het voor staat newbs
(16:31:13) jackie^ : kan beter een clan voor hun maken WANNABEC4L DUTCHGUY
(16:31:13) jackie^ : fking dropveters
(17:12:20) (mouK`BuLL) wij willen kunne spelen savonds
(17:12:25) (mouK`BuLL) dus we invite mensen die online ziojn
(17:12:30) (mouK`BuLL) nou
(17:12:37) (mouK`BuLL) toxic en wiadro en light spele elke nacht mee
(17:12:37) jackie^ : waarom sta ik dan bij onderzoek :S?
(17:12:42) (mouK`BuLL) ja omdat je niet meer speelt
(17:12:48) jackie^ : ik speel 2 dagen niet ?
(17:13:22) (mouK`BuLL) jah
(17:13:24) (mouK`BuLL) njah ff in onderzoek
(17:13:29) (mouK`BuLL) je wordt ff onderzocht
(17:14:25) jackie^ : hahaha
(17:14:27) jackie^ : wtfff
(17:14:33) jackie^ : door wat
(17:14:38) jackie^ :azzor met in zn stoeltje
(17:15:15) jackie^ : ik dacht alleen toen ik het zag, naja nice cancer for life clan allemaal kanker polen en dikke mensen die we fucking pesten met hun wheelchair leven :D en ik sta in onderzoek
(17:15:18) jackie^ : dus daarom zei ik het ff
(17:15:19) jackie^ : thats all
(17:15:30) jackie^ : pwn must go on
(17:16:44) jackie^ : -.-
(17:17:37) jackie^ : maar wiaderko en lightning zijn nice hooor :D
(17:17:42) jackie^ : alleen naga en toxic haat ik gewoon
(17:17:46) jackie^ : kanker kiddo fuckers


(14:04:34) (@mouK`Lazio) maar ons laatste defence is toch ok
(14:04:37) (@mouK`Lazio) die eerste is ons prob
(14:04:44) (@mouK`Lazio) da we niet setup kunnen krijgen
(14:05:00) (@mouK`BuLL) ok
(14:06:11) (@mouK`Lazio) mouK`BuLL zou jij mss niet beter beneden gaan spelen als medic
(14:06:14) (@mouK`Lazio) supply eerste stage
(14:06:22) (@mouK`Lazio) met jouw aim zou dat dan lockdown moeten zijn


(14:04:34) (@mouK`Lazio) but our last defence is ok right
(14:04:37) (@mouK`Lazio) the first one is our problem
(14:04:44) (@mouK`Lazio) that we cant really set up
(14:05:00) (@mouK`BuLL) ok
(14:06:11) (@mouK`Lazio) mouK`BuLL wouldnt it be better if u would play as medic downstairs
(14:06:14) (@mouK`Lazio) supply first stage
(14:06:22) (@mouK`Lazio) with your aim it should be total lockdown


M1lk zegt (17:57):
in cod4
blijven we nu echt helemaal nergens
BuLL zegt (17:57):
M1lk zegt (17:57):
zelfs de dikste kutnoobs
ownen nu
BuLL zegt (17:58):
ga jij je daar nou zorgen om maken? Na alles wat we hebben meegemaakt?
Ik ben op een dinsdagnacht om 5u sochtends tot rank 1500 gezakt, dat is nergens blijven
wij waren die kutnoobs
Where the fuck is upvote button when you need it
<@AD|duNzy> TOO PRO
[13:46:07] <miZu`> u and killerboy are the reasons why et died, well tbh all of these totally retarded competition admins cuz all of u admins are selfish and dumb

[19:49:35] <Kuba> GG clanbase admin ohurcool, guys like you fucked up this game... if theres another lan and you will be there, prepare for hospital, cause im gonna hit the shit out of you, and i hope u dont forget my words until we see each other!
ucp`pius: dlaczego nie podalem ci nazwy klanu a ty wiedziales ?
ucp`pius: ale glupi jestem tag na ircu :D

(17:18:12) (@FF|Thoro`HS) jaka jest komenda na wylaczenie dymu z czolgu ? :O
(17:18:49) ([KmH]Tgc) r_picmic w okolicach 10-20
(17:18:55) ([KmH]Tgc) nie powinno byc widac ani dymu ani czolgu

(21:09:23) (+[NC]kr0me) 2 players have wrong guid
(21:09:25) (+[NC]kr0me) what do i do? :p
(21:09:30) (+Bartichello) kick their ass
(21:09:33) (+bullvox) tell em to change
(21:09:37) (+bullvox) or they cant play
(21:09:39) (+Bartichello) and tell them to change it on cb imo
(21:09:42) (+bullvox) change the guid on CB not ingame;p

(21:44:57) (@nG|wildcat) gislan
(21:45:02) (@gislan) ?
(21:45:06) (@nG|wildcat) grasz 3v3?
(21:45:11) (@nG|wildcat) nie mam lagow :F
(21:45:19) (@gislan) moge
(21:45:23) (@gislan) ale za 5 minut :)
(21:47:13) (@nG|dionek) zapytajcie mnie czy gram kurwy
(21:47:37) (@gislan) grasz?
(21:47:44) (@nG|dionek) nie
(21:47:54) (@nG|dionek) nie dziala mi mikrofon
(21:47:56) (@nG|dionek) niestety

(01:25:23) (@SD|killer) gdzies ty byl ?
(01:25:37) (@SD|wildcat) na browarku
(01:25:42) (@SD|wildcat) jkedyben
(01:25:42) (@SD|killer) impreza w supermarkecie byla ?
(01:25:48) (@SD|wildcat) jednyma
(01:25:51) (@SD|wildcat) jedyam
(01:25:54) (@SD|wildcat) kurwa
(01:25:56) (@SD|wildcat) na 1

(17:11:05) (Mztik`i) 3on3 et now hv serv high
(18:03:33) (Mztik`i) 3on3 et now hv serv high no cheaters (i can't believe i gotta make this clear)
(18:11:10) (Mztik`i) 3on3 et now have server (1 CHEATER ONLY)

(@H2k|Winghaven) nice noregian !
(@H2k|Winghaven) norway !
(@H2k|Winghaven) nice talking nor....
(@H2k|Winghaven) norewan
(@H2k|Winghaven) ?
<19:15:11> "lrd":ye but i played with left hand only, eyes closed and without monitor while fucking rongs sister
14:50:52 Freze • olba durniu
14:50:56 Freze • nie rozmieszja mnie
[21:02] <@anexis-R0SS> 1 day i will fuck a girl and shit on her chest
txcxL: vasco da gama?
VASC0: da gama? sorry dont understand

AbouT: after leaving the game is by gamma which explains my desktop
<moto`sleep> 1/8 T6 4/5 T5 5/5 T4 Full Guardians 6 Epic flyers
<blindedPETTINGcat> nice
<SirSydAlot> decked out in a full set of virginity


<~toe> fuck avatar is good. 3D makes me want to pop acid and go to the movies
<&shrek> it would be freaky on acid tho
<~toe> dude i reckon i would have freaked out and left at the 3d trailers
<~toe> sat mindlessly giggling in the hallway outside for 2 hours then gone to maccas.
<&shrek> 12 hours u mean
<~toe> yeah. you always *think* you want food. then you buy it and its like eating razor blades
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