New etpro server

Hello I open new etpro public server POLSKA DYWIZJA EtPro. I invite u to check its out. My minde its open for good idea about server things cause I'm greenback so if u have any sugestions just told me :D
Pozdro 600
Sorry I stay loyal to onion
level 4 incoming haha
I cant even get level 1 haha
nobody can, it's removed.
already dead
I hope will not
kolejny pusty? ;o
Gl for your serv man !!
(If I could just advise you 1 thing, you should make a "normal" name, less polish cause people dont recognize themselves in it

Hope it will work for you anyway ! :)
yesteday i bet mAus becouse he dont think
I think there are more servers than players atm but yeah good idea keep up with the good work fam.
Put some maps similar to purefrag, valhalla, they are good for small number of players
bedziesz miał znajomków z 6-7 miu i bedziecie razem wbijac na serv to sie rozkreci inaczej nie ma szans
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "server thing", but I strongly recommend hiring someone else to write the posts about the server. I'm not sure what your budget is but I'm sure someone here would do it for a couple of euros or a handjob or something.

Best of luck to you, saintpl.
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