ET win10 timeouts

Tried playing ET first time for years and I keep timing out every two minutes. Once I change net_port and net_restart, I can continue playing. Any idea on how to fix this? Other games work just fine

Running on:
-Admin mode
-Compability XP sp3
Statti: you have wh
Stop using wh!
The truth is rarely pure and never easy.
is it on all servers?
try: ping -t <server ip>
in command line and see output
thats my only idea
statti <3
cant help ya :(
Hey I think u've tried playing ET first time for years and u keep timing out every two minutes. Once u change net_port and net_restart, u can continue playing. Any idea on how to fix this? Other games work just fine

Running on:
-Admin mode
-Compability XP sp3

Hope it helps
you are missing a "t"
that's silent
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