stats from

I was bored and decided to create some statistics. These were made using logs from since last year's December.

Here are the amounts of messages sent per nick:

Same statistic, but with only messages including the word "avi":

And here's a line graph of (all) the messages sent per month (numbers on the left are averages of the messages per day):
image: 7e356d1460

The graph made me depressed and I stopped there.
we ded nauw
How many messages shjnz have since his ban? :~]
I'll get back to you on that. He started using a lot of different nicks when he got banned, so I would have to sort by IP instead. But it's bedtime!
Webe right behind me, true nerd! Wondering why PHOTO is not on #1
lan killed it
ROFL !!!
This is exactly what I've said a few month ago on an other topic, and everyone have blamed me saying "don't say shit, it's not LAN" blablabla

Thank you h2o confirming what I've said before :*
He didn't confirm it. He just agreed with you. But there does seem to be a connection, although there are probably other factors such as the summer holidays, and the natural decline of activity in old games.

I think it's a bit bold to say that LANs do harm for the game's activity, even if their effect isn't entirely positive. If another LAN is announced, the activity will probably increase again temporarily.
Well indeed there are others factors

But what I thought was that the LAN increase the activity indeed and make people get hope to think ET will live again, then when the people who were back leave ET again, people feel the miss even more than before and decide to leave too,

Its hard to explain anyway but maybe summer has contributed to it too unfortunaly :/
there is no such competition with any kind of prestige anymore. like eurocup has been back when clanbase was still online. Therefor the only event worth practicing for is a LAN event. people thought it's the lack of money that doesn't attract people to this game but I don't see anyone praccing for eternal damage either. the main issue why ET keeps decreasing is the lack of new players, new players naturally rather play new games unless friends show them ET. to me the only way to rescue ET is doing the same valve did to CS. but let's be honest, no one will put in work in doing so, except hazz in far future maybe
ET is 14 yo ... that's pretty normal the game dies slowly
Give me a list of game that stayed alive this long
counter strike and even quake. makers of ET tried to by changing the style like ETQW or this other crap new order or whatever
ETQW was a pure fail..
Problem is that they change to change but they don't change by passion, I think when they've done ET, they did it cause they wanted to make it, what is probably different with games now, they don't make the ETQW/DB because they wanna make it.. They change because they feel it's needed so ..
back then there was a huge demand for futuristic games because there have been only ww2 games which imo killed ET
New Order is MachineGames/Bethesda
The main factor is that the old players would only want to ever play in one team when they could potentially make atleast 2 at minimum so there is really no point of anyone trying to make shit happen and play
Sounds pretty far-fetched. What made you think of this?
Maybe it isn't the case this cup, but it was always like this before that

You got all the ross/sqzz + the other good who wanted to play in one team and the rust who weren't playing just didn't play otherwise (for whatever good reason, that's just stating a fact).. When was he last time there was atleast 3 really strong mixed line-ups? Maybe the Adroits where you had rockit/winfakt/anexis/etc but apart from that it has always been the similar mix and then you had polaks/germans/fins/dutch people playing vs that which always led to kind of expected results and smaller number of teams participating
I'm not so much doubting your statement that there's usually only one team of "the old players" at LAN events these days. I'm more questioning your claim that it's the main factor affecting ET's activity.

How many people can honestly say that they avoid LANs, or avoid playing ET, because the LANs' winners can be predicted so easily?
I'd say results used to be more predictable than they are now. Always dignitas/idle/mamut and TLR/Rockit.
Kinda agree, thought there should be like 3-4 lans to keep the game active all year i suppose. I dont think anyone really cares that much honestly
I'm sure there are plenty of people who care, but not enough people with time and other resources. Although I guess you could make the argument that if they cared more they'd make more of an effort.
winter is coming
renta is coming ;]
ET was always dead in the summer, no? I guess there are just no new players coming in, while a lot of older ones are retired or only play very casually. Still blows my mind that it is still being played after more than a decade.

Been playing on hirntot these last couple of weeks and the server is basically always full in the evenings. Average level of play is actually still decent and could see new players getting discouraged pretty quickly.
give this man a cookie for telling nothing but the truth
Not always, the activity may have decreased some on higher skill, but low to med skilled teams still played summercups and in the earlier days everyone played on summer, think the activity actually raised on summers. only when the game started slowly dying, meaning majority reaching the age of 18, lack of real meaning to play the game constantly, game started to go inactive during summers! (:

So issue: No support, no money, no future, no reason to keep playing constantly when other activities takes intress. Or then with your logic there should be more inactivity during summer on games like dota2/csgo/ow but think its the upsidedown reaction there ;)
Yeah, I remember those enemy territory fueled highschool summer holidays. That was a decade ago though (2006-07 for me). Past couple of summers seem to have been very quiet.
I get your "no future" argument. EA has brainwashed everyone into thinking a hypothetical ET2k18 would be way better than ET2k17 (and ET2k16 support would have been dropped a year ago). The enduring "success" of ET imo indicates gameplay is still king.
No support: this is completely entangled with the no money argument. No money, no support, it's that simple. The game is completely free so can't really expect support from the original devs. One way to turn this around would be a steam release. Just look at what that did with age of empires 2. Devs get money, we get updates and patches.
One perk of the "older" enemy territory playerbase is that quite a lot of us should have some disposable income, no? Why not crowdfund a lan or clanbase style competition/ladder? I know I'd chip in 100$ without a second thought if I knew it would go to keeping this game / community alive.
Fuck me I wish Hirntot had some decent maps and not all the oldschool bullshit, waiting for klient to get full gets annoying
Yeah, imo only goldrush and radar are decent on there. Battery and oasis can get decent after the first stage, but fueldump and railgun def have to go.
Just sucks because they have the 10map server up and running with decent maps and more xp restrictions, but people seem to flock to the 6map one.
Wish they would just shut this down and use the 6map (supply etc, don't think they got Bremen there, that's also an amazing map) instead... HBC is decent also, tho the retarded selfkilling system is pure aids
hazz where can i see what nickname i have used?

i guess i've changed my nick to many times because people didnt want to play with high players like me ,and then i start use different name and serach low+ to reach them.
I don't know if it helps, but the only other nicks I could find from any IP that also connected with the nick Kurdich were Raven_ and Elias. I can't help you with finding all the past nicknames you've used. Sorry.
ok thanks man
We need sebhes to save ET! Just look gamestv and see what he did to Chilean scene on one visit to Chile!
The game is 14+ years old and u feel depressed about it's inactivity?
it's hard letting go when you're still in love
Nah, it's just about to give new games a chance. I rather play overwatch with trolls and 6 dps than play ET on public or against same opponents every day. 8]
I prefer playing against more or less the same opponents every day over dealing with the people on Overwatch or CS:GO. The way people talk in the chat and the comms just really ruins the game for me.

I ignore them in my mind. The game is decent, and I can play it anytime of the day w/o having big troubles on finding a game. Think 5min was the longest wait ever on a mon-tues early in the morning around 6 am.
Longest record on finding an ET official was 30 hours, meaning in 24 hours noone wanted to play an official, go to sleep, wake up, look for 6 hours and then you got one(!) YAY SO MUCH FUN, even playing rocket league would have been better time use. (was on lan though, so we had other games to play meanwhile, but kept on looking for offis whole time)

and in the end the opponent was against some polish guys which we played against almost everyday, soooo booring
To be honest, right now I just want some casual game to enjoy in good company during the weekends. PUBG would be a good choice, I suppose, but I really dislike the concept (mainly the fact that every time you have to loot stuff before you actually get to play the game). Still, maybe I should give it another chance.

ET seems like a decent choice, but yeah it would be a lot nicer if opponents were easier to find. Maybe I'll just get back to trickjumping in ET.
Or play OW with nice bunch of ppl
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