random showerthought #4

I'm breaking more than one pattern. This is more like a showerthought experiment. It goes like this:

Of the 100 billion people that have lived on this planet, how many do you think have eaten human flesh? How many of those have cooked the meat? How many have prepared a proper meal of the meat, with a side dish, some spices et cetera?

Here's where it gets interesting: How many people do you think have deliberately cut off a piece of themselves, a limb for example, and eaten it? Cooked or raw? Out of curiosity, madness, under threat of violence by some sadistic bastard? How many of the people who have eaten their own flesh prepared a gourmet meal of it? Offered it to other people? How often have other people accepted the offer? How often have people eaten such a meal not knowing they're eating the host of the dinner party, who claims to have been in some gruesome accident?

Once you go specific enough that it becomes extremely likely the things you're thinking of haven't happened even once on this earth, you can start wondering instead, how many people have, at some point, had the same thoughts. Of the 100 billion people, how many ever considered that a person may cut off their own leg, prepare a delicious meal of it, and host a dinner party, telling the guests false tales of a drunken walk in the forest and a bear trap, while they eat the leg?

Once again, thank you for reading. :)
Hannibal and his guests
just wondering what planet you live on with that many people, and secondly what times dinner?
logged in to ask if you are stupid
well 100 billion people on his planet so wondering what planet he lives on...
i logged in, forgot my password, retrieved it, relogged in to react with this: "XD".
How can u log in first without a pw though :S
He logged in before he forgot his password, obviously. Read the comment more carefully. ":D"
glad you retrieved It imagine life without it? haha
Looks like you got your answer.
lmfaooooooooooo XDDDDDDDDDD
Didn't they make Gladiators cut off a certain weight of their own flash as a punishment? That would be a pretty good disguise if some mad fucker just wanted a human meat back then
Flash grenade
Don't eat yourself hazz. You can always talk to me when you have problems.
If only I was so flexible...
I can help with that ;) Lets play with eachoter sometime.
At which point is this going to become a little bit homosexual?
I'm gonna hit level 40 in Pokemon Go by the end of November. Finally.
damn u still playing that game
Yea mate. I have the bad habit of being too competitive at the things I do. That's why I shouldn't try out new games. Happy when I hit 40 and complete the game.
Yeah bitches be eatin my dick all the time.
sometimes it scares me knowing you.
I'm harmless. My imagination is just very active. I guess I'm still a child.
Or you being harmless is just a illusion from your imagination?
If we start questioning all our illusions, let's start with free will please.
Go see a doctor
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