random showerthought #5

This one is pretty basic, but maybe someone will appreciate it. It was inspired by greasy hair caused by an unusually long stint of not showering combined with a desperate need for a haircut. It goes like this:

Had an American woman come up with the mass-equivalence formula, her name would have been Alberta Rock.

Thank you for reading. :)
it would be Alberta Onerock to be exact
You stopped thinking too early. The "one" is part of Alberta already. :P
haha get brain maybe???
expected more
american and a woman
wanna belive seems like fake news
Nice stealing qoutes from reddit, very original :))))))
The only thing I "stole" was the concept of saying superficial things and pretending that they're somehow meaningful, and the name of the subreddit where people practise this activity. Some might even call it a reference rather than theft.

I don't believe I stole any "quotes".
quote stealer
This more a simple joke than a philosophical thought. I was hoping for something deeper.
ain t that what she shed sea shed she said
AAAAAAAAAY. Feel like our voices were listened!
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