Integrity failure

Game Integrity failure
How can i solve this? Cant join any server.

I have done so far,

reinstall ET, (clean ET)
Reinstall PB,
Reinstall ETkey,
kill pbservices from services
R_mode -1 r_mode 3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9,9,0,0
Restarted PC monitor many times

running ET, ETded administrator service pack 2,3
using windows 7

Last week was working fine nothing has changed


I am only getting kicked from ETPRO servers. I tested nitmod and i was able to play
restart pc or monitor
woottt is the problem
Try to install game on usb stick, external drive or another partition.
If this wont help try reinstalling windows or use system restore point.
format c is the ultimate solution and sacrafice
hahahahahahahaha finally
r_primitives 2
try 2morrow again, will wok 100%
"Structural failure refers to the loss of structural integrity, or the loss of load -carrying capacity in either a structural component, or the structure itself."

did you try to clean the W:ET regedit files? they may not be deleted when you delete ET and still stay broken.
i would try to check the regedit and try to do a clean reinstall with default et config.

If it still wont help do C:// and launch ET with default config

hope you will get it fixed
Thx for this tip

I cleaned my registry files but not ET specially

Edit.did all this and it didn't work
Start as admin(no shitting), I demand €2
running ET, ETded administrator service pack 2,3
Integrity failure is 1000000% admin related

do you use shortcut?
Does not matter where i run it from, desktop shortcut or from the actual folder
I can't remember the last time I sorted it out (apart from disconnecting external HDD - starting ET, everyhting working - connecting it back in and ET continuing to work since then)
try to use a different et from someone else, use an other config, delete all profiles

Done that many times
You should use Restore for your PC. Restore it to earlier check point when it was working. A corrupted file isnt necessery to be ET related.
Try restore and update us :-)
There is no restore points available for that far point coz i have been doing all kind of shit lately
try with some random programs to fix corrupted files on your pc. Because restore would definetly help you tho.
Any recommendations?
R.I.P Swanidius 23.11.2017
vittu pekelle
Use the power switch on the back of the modem to turn off the power, wait 15 seconds, and then turn the modem back on.
I have done that already.. thought it was only off 10secs........
Well those 5 seconds are the important ones..... also, since its a Integrity failure have you tried a fresh reinstall o repair certain files?
lololol mine works
Format c, then toss your computer in the garbage for good measure.
THanks this worked
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