More FPS = More lag

Anybody know how to fix this? If I run 125fps my game lags like crazy. Runs way smoother on 60fps but then I have delay between my mouse - aim. Im on Win10. Got Intel i5 and some Nvidia card. Thanks.
r_primitives 2
exec pollo
that joke is older than u :-/
Hauskaa koska se on totta :<)
Vsync on?
I've tried with Vsync on/off, no help.
Refreshrate (ingame + windows) correct?
Yeah, feels like I've tried everything and nothing helps. Might reinstall the whole win10.
Maybe first try to dual-boot a 2nd new windows install an see if it works there.
If so, you can still delete your current windows and continue with the fresh new windows.
The issue might be with the new nvidia drivers that I had, without them everything is better.
did u try to downgrade ur driver? I've read another thread where this helped
Yeah it helped
Didnt you start cheating cause you couldn't quit ET?
So when you say you tried Vsync, did you try "r_finish 1"?
On my laptop the mouse movement lags if I don't have that set to 1, so I am not sure if it'll work for you but it might be worth a shot. best of luck though m8.
r_finish 1 does indeed help with input lag, if you have some. I can confirm it's worth a shot.
If you run 125fps your game lags like crazy. Runs way smoother on 60fps but then you have delay between your mouse - aim. Youre on Win10. Got Intel i5 and some Nvidia card. Thanks.
posted today 3:43... true nerd life. did you already merge in with your mouse and keyboard?
haha i was in cblu gtfo nerd
What do you mean by "lag"? Do you mean your ping gets higher or unstable? Because this can actually happen if you're on a bad connection and try to play with a high FPS. I've never heard of it happening with 125 FPS though, but at 250 it starts to be pretty common.
yeah I'd say it is due to a bad connection, high ping has the same issue. Have to play at lower fps to avoid massive rubber banding, freezing etc.
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