Crypto currencies

Anyone trading any? What did you buy and at what price?
Bitcoin, put in 300€ was at 2500€ - since 2 months currently
I bought them at 300 euro and sold them at 700. Anyone buying them now is stupid as hell, I guess you are considering ipod m8
I dont think it’s stupid to buy them, you’ll just join in an currently lower course
The value will rise again and one can get its profits - just not as high as the people that joined earlier
Still worth it in my opinion
What makes you think the current course is worth its value? The potential downside is currently way higher than the potential upside. I find investing n bitcoin the worst decision a trader can make. When mainstream people start investing in a stock (or currency in this case), you know you already missed the opportunity for profit.
I love how you're speaking like someone who mines or runs a crypto. Suck my ass. And please dont call anyone stupid when first of all you didnt mention what you bought at 300 and im gonna assume its bitcoin so you're even stupider for selling at 700.
You last sentence tells me that you have zero experience in trading, I rest my case. Despite, I hope you make a good profit, but be careful.
And your trading experience made you sell at $700 when its now at $17000...
We'll talk again when you made about 130% on your investment in a single security
When you could've made 1300%, like you could've hmu
That s wrong mindset for an investor. That s why I assume you don't have much trading experience.
Well I have numerous friends who waited so I guess they dont have experience either
Don't take things out of context. I'm talking about your mind set regarding the profit I didn't make according to you.
This thread is so funny, a shame I missed it, ipod's comments about "not being too late" when the market was overbought and parabolic as fuck aged really well. xD
Brother, I have never forget about this topic. Some day I am gonna remind everyone about what ipod recommended everyone back in December 2017. Just LOL ahaa
I would appreciate if someone could list a couple of downsides of trading them.
-transaction fees (canada gets fucked)
-lack of security / potential to be hacked
-delays in transactions from either wiring/transferring money from bank or on sale from verification of transaction
-not claiming any profits on your taxes like I'm sure some of these eu guys haven't
-currencies are extremely volatile to the point where major exchanges go down for hours because of over saturation
Transcation fees are little to nothing

Lack of security? Im sure they are more secure than major bank accounts considering its run by no one but developers.

And yes they go down because the come up is real and websites are being flooded
Don't spread nonsense ipod. Transactions costs are ridiculously highs compared to what you pay for stocks. Also, the amount if time for a transactions to be made is not the usual minute, but can go up to hours and hours.

I'm not sure anymore if you're trolling, but the current value is based on nothing. People that think the coin is worth it's current value have forgotten what the original purpose of the coin was.
I dont think you know what cryptos are lol
I don't blame your lack of knowledge for your statements, but please don't misinform others.
>>sold at 700
transaction fees are little to nothing LMFAO have you seen how much it costs to move around bitcoin atm? the fees are absurd

how can you say they're more secure with the collusion, price fixing, lack of regulation, regular and frequent hacks on individuals and exchanges
Exchange it and then u can withdraw for cheap.
transaction fees are actually high, compared to others. Plus the money is no longer in bits other currencies better a lot better atm. It can take hours to make a transactions also. I invest a lot of money and gained a lot too. Sebhes is right, when the average joe start buying so much you already past it.

Also he made more than double his profit. Making money like this is all about getting out when you are ahead, who knows could have crashed and lost it all, instead got out and doubled his money. Its always easier to say something after its already happened ipod...

btw the way you are taking I'm guessing you made millions yourself? Yeah?
No i havent made shit, i was just mad he called me stupid XD
you are! but aren't we all at times :D

Bought for €20 sold for €15

i had 2 bitcoins and a bit before couple years ago but i used them on silkroad...
Bought what
Don't laugh it was a learning period when younger made a lot though but spunked it all away on drink and more drugs
drugs r bad mkaaay
especially cocaine and bitches
Started off with Ethereum at ~30$, also started mining at around 100, but I'm switching between bitcoin and ethereum if I feel the growth is worth more than the charges required for switching currencys
ez money

trading tips sold at SSTAT teamspeak every evening.
Holding litecoin atm thinking of putting something in to REQ
Hi, I bought 6 months ago OUTLAWCOIN, 30 coins from 1000€ each...Now I still crying as my best aimer is inactive I lose 90%..hope he will back as soon as possible and my coins growing up like bitcoin last 3 months ;)
I expext that the outlawcoin will rise again in 2018~ by 500%.
started back in 2014 with bitcoin and started to mine it, sold 1st bitcoin for 200€
Also holding other coins ( DASH, Qtum, BTG, BCH, ETH )
Considering to invest few hundred € and start mining Monero. But fucking Vega 56/64 are sold out everywhere....
I recommend this one
Easily 1900h/s with vega64 bios update. I bought it for £570, Now its higher ofc.
Yes, i know. They are amazing graphic cards for crypto currencies processing, but the recent need made them so expensive. 711€ for a vega 56? God. I was hoping for amd to release something as powerful and new, for a decent price.. because right now it makes the profit harder considering you need to invest alot more.

Are you mining? How many of them?
i was experiencing. got a gtx1060,rx570,rx580,vega56,vega64
doing 6000h/s on cryptonight
buy full ccs, then buy btc, mix them more times, cash out +2k eur every week lol

It's nice to see that every ET player evolved into a cryptocurrency trader :D
ET community knows how to make money
I actually havent, only got stocks from 3 different finnish companies, I invest twice a year and doing it for long-term, dont really have any need to the money for now and foreseeable future.

On addition, I hate cryptocurrencies and feel bad for the people who have placed their houses etc for the loan and bought eg. BitCoin, it will not end pretty for many.
Mining mostly CryptoNight algo @ 6000 h/s (Vega64,Vega54,rx580,rx570 and a gtx1060) :D
hodl dont trade if youre not an expert at trading.. also if trading you obviously wanna beat the profits of just holding, not just "profit"

also majority of alt coins are either scams or years away from actually being something decent imo. you could speculate with them but its even riskier than with btc

my 2cents, new with crypto as well
It's too late to invest now, unless you have the capital to spend so much or the balls, as it's very questionable what will happen even in the short term.

It's also kinda too late to invest in mining, videocard pricing is through the roof as a direct result.

In any case, it's a completely unpredictable and volatile investment. The return might be a lot higher than usual investments but the risk is equally as high.

I didn't invest in it, even at the start. I thought it was a waste of money, also because I wasn't doing that great financially back then. I'm not kicking myself in the head now though, it could have gone either way.

Tldr: don't worry too much if you don't get on that gravy train. It's like playing heads or tails.
Best comment, but don't let ipod read, because he'll tell you different. Ly ipod xx
Might be too late to buy BitCoin now planning to hodl it for years hoping for +5000%. But atleast trading in shorter term there is money to make.

over 100% profits in last 2 weeks.
Wow crossfire is full of investing geniuses. ^^
Apricot here ;

In SSTAT Team, we make massive money, I only made €20k so far in December alone though ...
But of course, I am very confident you all bought extremely low back in 2013 and held till now and sold the top you are heroes I know well guys .... (muhahah)

As you can see, we do not trade with pennies.

image: 1513903227-apricot-volume-traded-in-december-alone

(trading volumes just for December without leverages, spot prices, no contracts)
just come casino with me fucking retard ill make you make few k before you leave
Cryptos are only for drug addicts and terrorists, no self-respecting citizen would ever think of or dare to use anything but currency that has been approved by governments and banks. You also really shouldn't disclose whether you have any; they're watching you.
I literally just sold my range rover 2 days ago because of this journal to invest it in DOGE, and now my DOGE is down 42%. Fuck you ipod.
Lmfaoooo he said doge

Hey! I actually have a few Doge! Bought it many years ago. Good luck with the crypto though, I'm holding some myself.
Just bought one ltc. Gonna buy new cryptos as they make the come up and then sell
Thanks for the triple luck
rofl, wtf :D
LTC is a good buy. But diversify quickly. Don't put all your hopes on one coin to make you a good profit. Buy the dips of other promising alts (XBY, XRP, ETN, TRX, NEO etc).. But most of all, do your own research. Read the whitepapers of the coins and read what the project stands for.

And don't listen to ppl telling you its too late to get into crypto. It's not. By far it's not. It's also not even about the currencies itself as it is more about the underlying block-chain technology. That will simpy change the world. Mark my words that within 10 years there will be countries in the world that are running their elections using block-chain technology. I've been against electronic voting my entire life, but since blockchain I think it's the only tech that could make it happen in a way that all requirements of an elections can be met. (Fraud-proof, secrecy on what you voted for etc)
Will do Ronner. Already on it bro!
Doge is the "fun coin". almost everyone has some (a lot due to it's price) in their portfolio and all of them know its just a crappy bullshit coin. But my guess is everyone's hoping for that one moment that Doge will be used to stash value for a short period of time so they can all cash it out quickly.
I bought and used DOGE on some stuff back in 2015. I started with Dash, ETH and BTC and have already made great profits on those, hoping for a big year for Ethereum now. What are your thoughts on prediction market coins, like Augur and Gnosis?
Bitcoin dropped 25% in one day and ipod be like this is all fine xx
Oh well he must be sweating hard now !

GG WP Ipod.

But don't worry mate, what matters is to feel like a TRADER.

image: 93EC47ig
i hope it will go back up :D
its always comming back up, just give it a litle tug, baby
You seem to be amonst a whole bunch of other people that has been saying this for years, even at times BC was below a 1000 dollars. And yet it's still here and over the longer periods of time growing hard. I'm quite certain it will reach much higher values than ever seen before and sure it's volatile as fuck and that's very risky and far from healthy, but what you seem to miss is the most important thing about the whole crypto circus. Blockchain tech and what it will mean in the coming years.
I didnt buy any btc bud

Good effort
This is such an entertaining journal =D 5/5
Flawed in so many ways to the point you can call it an unfounded fad with allocated values based on nothing. Very few people are willing to spend money on crypto as there is no consumer protection or practical real life use. 1000 people own 40% of all bitcoin so some guys will end up very rich by taking the savings from others through the manipulation of numbers.The volatility is insane and the increased interest will just make it a target for people to expose the flaws even more. Good for money laundering and the purchase of illegal goods I guess? Mining is practically useless now as well as the costs far outweigh the return. Let's see if this turns into another dotcom crash as it looks like it's moving in that direction.

image: 25508035_10156799106968765_8302288546842458043_n
My portfolio: XVG 98727, XRP 9000, ETN 18123, XBY 9177, SIA 38660, TRX 20167, DGB 10000, NEM 500, REDDCOIN, 50000, XMR 0.8, DOGE 20000

Current value about 33k

Hit me up sometime on ts ipod
Looks decent. Waiting on ETN to go up, was promising, after they opened locked wallets everybody dumped their ICO investments. I was holding ofc., will wait and see what happen when they move to a more decent exchange site.
Etn will go up. Massively. Higher growth potential than xvg when it comes to price per coin. Both are good holds though. Waiting on wraith announcement which will put xvg through the roof.

Also have good faith in xby. Very good project and given the eventual max supply of 100 million coins it's still a steal at 25 cents.
I confirm for ETH, I believe that 2018 will be a great year for ETH. It's a matter of months before we break the $1k mark.

Then, with positive news, we could break $2k then $3k and so on ...

Once we will break the ATH, I'll buy another 200k EUR worth of ETH I think.
I was talking about ETN not ETH. But yes ether will also grow a lot in 2k18

Crypto has already partially been taken over by banks e.g. mastercard. Nothing much that prevents them from dumping everything on the market and then banning it under mondey laundering laws. Maybe I should also repeat that 1000 people own 40% of all bitcoin?

(Fun fact: crypto mining now has a larger energy footprint than the whole of Ireland.)
(Fun fact: not all crypto's work with a Proof of Work mechanism and thus do not have a big-ass energy footprint)
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