Dirtybomb - Startup issues

Hi Guys,

Any of you experiencing problems with start up of Dirtybomb (Steam)? Nothing happens after loading the Anti-Cheat thingy (EAC?)

THank you!
Dirty bomb is that game still rolling I don't have a solution dear Isen I wish you allready the best in 2018
Rezta!^_^ Voor jou en je broer alvast de allerbeste wensen!!

Voelt een beetje aan als ET, daarom speel ik het opzich wel graag!
Bedankt gaat goed komen! Altijd goed toch!
Disable ur antivirus
Sorry cannot help, need to bicycle somewhere tonight!
HAHA:D Brings up alot of memories Beasteh!:D
:D good old times!
Verify integrity?
It's too dirty.
You are dirty:(
Had the same problem, found no solution. Stopped playing the game. Now @ BF1
Allow the anti cheat thingy in firewall/antivirus/windowsdefender? Otherwise post on https://nl.reddit.com/r/Dirtybomb/, dev's try and help out there with these kinda problems.
step 1: go to C:/windows/syswow64, then delete EAC.exe

step 2: go to C:/windows, create a folder called "sysnative", and within that new folder you created, create a new folder called "drivers".

Step 3: start up DB, then install EAC when prompted.
that game is so shit :DD, almost as bad as QC
:( Whats a good alternative? (other than COD, PUBG & Quake)
cant think of any
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