Germans, hilfe!

Hi all,

As you might know (or not, doesn't matter), I live in Poland, in Gdansk (or Danzig, for the Germans). I work in an international company that provides IT Service to other multinational companies, for which we need people from all over Europe depending on the customer's needs.

In 2018 my company will sign a contract with a well known German car manufacturer, to provide IT support. However, it's currently very difficult to find German speakers in Gdansk/Danzig. So, if I can't find German speakers in Poland, I will try to find them in Germany. Hence, I need your support.

Youth unemployment in Eastern Germany is relatively high, compared to other parts of Germany.
What Facebook-groups or open forums (that are specifically made for job-search) can I post on that might attract young Germans?
Depending on experience and extra relevant skills, my company pays between 6000 and 9000 PLN (which equates to 1500 to 2200 euro gross) monthly, which is not that bad compared to what unskilled German youth makes I think.

So, please let me know any websites/FB groups that you know off.
QuoteHowever, it's currently very difficult to find German speakers in Gdansk/Danzig.

image: 6pmcem8w

try couchsurfing groups /platforms from german cities
there Im pretty sure you can find young faggots willing to move abroad and mention about polish vodka = insta win
Polish vodka
Polish babes

I smell success.
I do not know any specific Facebook groups for that matter but can give u a brief overview of common job platforms that are used here in Germany. (also has an

Most of these sites will cost you money to add a job vacancy on it, but it probably might give you visibility...

Good luck and a happy new year ;)
Problem is I'm not from the recruitment department in my company, I'm trying to refer people to get the bonus. I get 500 euro per hired referral, and seeing as we might end up needing close to a 100 German speakers in 2018, even a mere 5-10 referrals would set me up rather nicely.

It's for that reason I can't set ads on official websites, as I will mostly need company related information which I am not entitled to provide.

Hence I prefer Facebook groups.

Happy new year as well, and thanks for the help!
i agree with linkedin
not sure about fb groups tbh.
try maybe in stettin since it is direct at the border.
or just wait at the border with a sign :P
linkedin or monster, I hire 12 people got 10 from there the other 2 I got from facebook ads (they were my last two) you can be really specific but you need to do the ad from a business page.
Problem is I'm not from the recruitment department in my company, I'm trying to refer people to get the bonus. I get 500 euro per hired referral, and seeing as we might end up needing close to a 100 German speakers in 2018, even a mere 5-10 referrals would set me up rather nicely.

It's for that reason I can't set ads on official websites, as I will mostly need company related information which I am not entitled to provide.

Hence I prefer Facebook groups.
isnt that a joke salary for someone in germany?
no its not, average wage is 1300
for what job??? :O
if you look into states cant remember when I seen it but I researched before I set my staffs wages. Its average income in Germany. in uk its 1100
google says 2200-2300, not sure where did find 1300, that sounds way 2 low
^ I have literally never earnt that little - that sounds closer to minimum wage
msh then you are lucky in life. When I lived in England, I was a senior advisor getting just 18 k plus bonus, we had over 1 k staff on just 11 k plus bonus each year.

Cost of living was a hell of a lot cheaper where I lived.

Also where I live in Germany now. I did pay 750 for rent and got 240 sqm house with double garage and drive way.
minimum in Germany is around 900 p/m average is around 1300. although it does depend where you work and how much.

When I lived in Wiesbaden I paid 600 for 50 sqm room.
Minimum wage in the UK is currently £7.50 * 40 * 52 = £15.6k. After tax that's £1,157 PCM, you can not legally earn less than that with a full time job.
a full time job isnt 30 hours. I seriously don't see why you arguing so much as you said been no where near the poor line you don't know.

When i worked in england as a senior I was 35 hours. normal loan reps on 30 hours and that classed as full time.

I also did debt resolution and drf certified where we had to keep up to date with income and what people earn, and trust me you go speak to people working average jobs in the north and tell them they are lying about income.
plus thats still less than whats above and really you have no clue pointless even talking to someone like you on the subject.
Look, I can throw ONS data at you too (hell, why the fuck not: and the law's the law ( I am not arguing, I am stating facts - you have provided no evidence against what I am saying except saying you worked hours less than most people (oh look, more fucking data

What do you think a full time job is? Because that's where you're misguided.

You have no idea of my background (as is evident from your reply), except that I have earnt more than 1300 a month (which is close to minimum wage).

Quotedon't believe everything google is telling you

is a ridiculous argument unless you can back it up with data.
"oh look, more fucking data"

i cracked hahahahahahahaha

don't believe everything google is telling you. Most people in my city get around 1300 before tax, and insurance coming out.

For example I pay 180 in insurances every month just for medical, a lot of people have these rolled in.
This is certainly not true. You seem to be mistaken it for minimum wage, which is around €8,50/h...
Would take it right now :D i get more less , its kinda normal to get 1200-1500 for the normal worker class
100% where you living?
It's less than what one would get in Germany, for sure (although I guess there's a lot of lowskilled Germans lower than 2200 euro gross as well), but keep in mind cost of living is twice cheaper in Poland than in Germany. So you might make less, but you keep more at the end of the month.

Also, I am specifically trying to target Eastern German youth, as on average their salaries are lower than their peers in Western Germany, and youth unemployment is currently between 10 and 15% in Eastern Germany. 2000 euro gross is still better than whatever unemployment wage they might be getting.

For those already working, this will probably be not a very tempting offer no.
o prosze kto sie pojawil :D

it may be a joke salary when it comes to living in Germany, but let's say someone decides to stay in PL for a little bit longer... that sounds better, it's like twice of average salary in PL, so you can kind of live a good life here and gain some nice experience as well
Tak jest, masz racje.

grasz w pubg? coraz wiecej nerdow sie bierze za to az sam sie zastanawiam
aktualnie coś tam próbuje pograć w battlerite ale bez jakichś commsów sensownych to granie w to na wyższym poziomie nie ma zbytniego sensu :P

coś słyszałem i czytalem w CDA o tym pubg, jak chcesz przykarac to moge sie pokusic o pogranie, bo samemu to mi sie nie chce
You shouldn't look only in Yermany but also in Austria?
I guess your salary is too low for anyone in Switzerland.

+1 for linkedin.
I am getting mails for job opportunities from recruiters/companies every 1-2 weeks on linkedin.
Na das will ich sehen. Leute aus Österreich die für so wenig Geld arbeiten gehen :Dü
Österreicher sind normalerweise besser als Deutschland :D
Yes, but I am specifically targeting Eastern Germany for 2 reasons:

a) close vicinity to Poland/Gdansk.
b) relatively high youth unemployment and lower salaries in Eastern Germany compared to Western Germany/Austria.

I (maybe mistakenly) think it's easier for Germans in Dresden/Cottbus/Brandenburg to make the step to cross the border, than it might be for an unemployed youth in Linz, Vienna or Salzburg.
"1500 to 2200 euro gross"

It's a level 1 job, what would you expect. In Poland that is an above average salary, nearly twice the country's average gross salary, so you'd be living very well with that salary.

2000 euro gross in Gdansk, is the same as 3500 euro in Vienna for the same lifestyle ( I am quite sure even in Vienna a lot of young people don't make that much. And I'm not even looking for them, this is aimed at unemployed youth in Eastern Germany.
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