any lan updates ( teams signed up, is it confirmed already etc... )
heard fanta avi
ye i heard Germanycrush3r Netherlandsshjzn United Kingdomjunky Polandsosji EstoniaNeedle and Finlandhevimines are attending under a korean professional mutligaming organisation
also the prize pool is around 7million euros roughly give or take a few cents

cant leak too much tho... just wait for the news post
Will they get a private room to play in?
Ofc it is confirmed!

Updates about teams will follow here and then. From our own experiences teams will again sign up and pay nearly before the payment deadline for the early bird
6on6 tournament
65.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)

Participation Fee:
until Jan 31: € 65 per player
from Mar 01: € 80 per player
(+€ 5 costs per transaction if PayPal)
You do realise a big chunk of players may get interested if they knew who was going or interested in going?

Similar to last year, there was a post about payment with teams interested in going even if their line-up wasn't complete.

Make a post about teams interested in going (ask them to PM you - pay those who wasn't paid since the last lan) and make a partial section for players who are available/want to go but don't have a team
Don't worry. We are aware of that and this is planned and will ofcourse follow!
Ekto said that few weeks ago, considering you want payments in the next 2 weeks, I find it's happening really late
Don't worry.
just a question but are you waiting until the early bird has finished before doing a post about teams and players searching?
No! soonish!
like paying out the prize pool? huehuehue
Is there a prizepool??? From what ive hears chosenseanza fled
The people who won last time should just go there without paying and tell teamoxid that they can reduce the fee of this LAN from their winnings from the previous LAN. :D
Hahaha havent heard shit of the organisation yet. Me and my teams will join when the prizepool will get paid out instantly after the last game. Aint doing this random shit anymore
in the next 6 weeks*
It looks like the date Jan 31 on the signup page is a mistake, and should instead be Feb 28, based on the fact that the date for the fee increase to €80 per player is Mar 01 (otherwise the price during February is unknown at the moment), and also based on the date for the last day of the Early Bird fee on the newspost here on Crossfire, which is also Feb 28. (Wow, what a terrible sentence...)

Would be nice to have this confirmed by one of the LAN organisers.
Ty! You are right there! Will be edited!
would be nice to know whose signed up and what current team statuses are so I know who to sell myself too
Need 3rd lan be high+
Will you speak on the lan?
iNsAne.NL ,=- bro i'm speaking since 1 year already :(
i dont believe it bruh
trust me it talks
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