KGB Money ?

don't get me wrong... its cool that there is another lan just around the corner so to say... with such a nice prize pool...
but.. but.. butt.. last time I checked the organizers still haven't paid out the last lan winnings

btw avi

why do u care if u didnt win anything?
i didnt even participate... couldnt care less

kinda hypocritical to ask the community for donations that will go towards the prize pool ... fill in the blanks urself already spent enough time writing this
I can understand you but Im pretty sure that they privatly discussed it already. So there is no need to start a public discussion once again ^^imo
ET Reborn only LAN where you receive the money the same day when event is finished


CatInaHat never received price money after the final vs
'xD Trickjump, was in the final you liar!! hahaha
Seanza's earlier events also paid after final. Things can change very quickly
From my point of view I don't understand how you can not pay the winners right after LAN.

Every organizer calculates the cost like 6000 income, 3000 venue costs and 3000 prizepool. If every paid for their ticket you should have the money for the prizepool.
thers complications when ur paying an "org" then thers legals stuffies etc so it takes some time (months) normally

wish i could explain in more detail but i forgot most of the technical stuff :P
His argument was that the prizepool wasn’t made up by entrance fees and sponsors didn’t pay out.

Since there was no public announcement about this I’m not sure if that’s entirely truthful.
Well, at least our venue didn't disappear after we announced a LAN :p
CracowGameSpot also paid right after LAN!
ggwp Robaciek
sannie is verradelijk
that is pretty fucked up if they haven't received it after a year and gonna take the winnings from a second one and do same probably haha
Ever Nigerian princes were more trustworthy when it came to paying you.
yep, still waiting for my 4th place 3on3 prizemoney...
Not sure if serious but if so its pretty funny Stray commenting below :D
:D off to bahamas
cheap deal you got there :D
quite okish :)
be carefull about putin research

Fucking hell... I feel like I won something. It's just more natural to read it like that. Nobody's said anything during the whole time this journal's been up.

I move to rename Krefeld Battleground to Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti.
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