Pussybashers best team ever??

definitely better team than the Security team over at snapchat......
Europe klientpro best
they sure make this look easy, im sure people have many different opinions on these guys but i would love to see them go LAN. Playing like they have been in this wintercup, lan win should be easy.
Sure, let's see if we can collect enough money as a community to send the poor guys to Germany and back, and hopefully give them a roof over their heads while they're there (because I don't think it's safe for them to sleep under some desks at the LAN centre - some people here might hate them enough to do nasty things to them while they're dozed off/passed out.)

I've cut down on my drinking considerably this year, so I think I can offer up some of the money I've saved because of it. How about 100€?

Perhaps PUSSYBASHERS could even agree to pay people back with the winnings - assuming the first spot in the 3on3 tournament is enough to break even.

Who's in? I'm serious.
i wont play at lan unless the winnings guarantee a 3 bedroom condo from central London
I don't know these nerds enough to give them money but i will however invest in them :Þ
If they come, then don't invest on them ... ;)
They are so good im scared to play
the one and only

still dunno what's the fuzz about, did everyone suddenly forget about the good ol' pussybashers during our absence?
definitely the best.
i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about pussybashers. u wouldnt say this shit to them at lan, theyre jacked. not only that but they wear the freshest clothes, eat at the chillest restaurants and hang out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
Quotelet's see if we can collect enough money as a community to send the poor guys to Germany and back

so what? i am confused. thought hazz was serious.
Quotehang out with the hottest dudes

can i come too?
i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about pussybashers. u wouldnt say this shit to them at lan, theyre jacked. not only that but they host the best scat parties, give the best rimjobs and are the best dick suckers in town. yall are pathetic lol
<Rong> it's such a shame your lan performance never was even close to your irc skill
<Rong> nice improve
Do you guys still play? Any TS?
I love this name, good luck :D
Just a pathetic newschool fake of the original pussyhunters (*).
Who? I'm lost in the sauce
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