RtCW Discord

Hello everyone!

If you're like me and still like to wolf it up there is a discord channel for you! Whether it be just to idle and see whats going on, check out what nights we play 1.4 OSP objective mode(usually Thursday and Sunday nights), or check in on the latest wolfenstein tournaments, this is the place to be.

This discord can offer 1.0 download, 1.4 download, keygen for 1.4, and help with installing all for free! Just need to ask and you will get aid. :)

sure, i am in! cu@discord
dont forget about me...
no cheats allowed :(
RISK with cheats ?
To jest ciota jebana w kazdej grze placze w ktora bym nie zagral :Ddd
Please tell anyone about this discord who wishes to play in some awesome rtcw nostalgia!

Playing tonight, already have 5v5 on. Join now!!!
Hello again everyone, here is some screen shots from our nights of RtCW OSP fun! We usually do 3 teams of 6 as there is usually 20 or so people who come on each OSP night. If we dont get 3 teams of 6, we just pub. All maps & players are welcome, just check the screen shots for ping and you'll see some familiar euro faces.

image: 6r0vhd

image: 21md7ao

image: 11bp28j

image: 15eajc6

Join us this Thursday at 9PM EST!
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