Any other means to make money?

I was thinking it's hard to survive on a normal paycheck unless you have a proper career i guess, so i was thinking does anyone have another way to make money legally mind you ;).

Could be anything in person to online. I'm also looking at other ways and only way i have tried was cryptocurrency but i bought in january.... so isn't the best looking portfolio atm.
The best way is to earn your money on a not legal way, but you want to know a legally way so i cannot help you
done with the illegal shit haha
Get 2 jobs, you wont have any time anymore. Otherwise sell drugs, easiest money ever
trying to get away from the nightshift job i'm on with an interview in next 2 weeks but 1 full time active job is enough just want more of a passive income.
1 year afternnoonshift. Would never do it again. Fck them
i've a job interview wednesday so back to days soon ! :)
win et lans.
ask Elviss for gas stealing techniques. not sure if it's legal, but he sure made it sound like a perfectly normal thing to do.
haha maybe he's just a professional at it :P
I'm pretty sure he's professional at it, he does (used to do) it regularly :D
Day job + being referee on sports. Doesnt take every evening and still gives you solid increase monthly. (Ofc depending how many games you take). Big minus side, you gotta take way more shit verbally than in normal jobs :D
haha i can imagine!
how much do you get for a single match in Finland? I guess that highly depends on the league, like first league down to 9th or how many there are
Depends hugely on which sport, level, travel distance. But for example around 40ish € per 45min hobby icehockey game, taxfree
damn thats really a lot compared to Germany. Friend of mine is a ref in football and he gets like 20€ + 0,30/km for his travel expenses. When he goes up a league, he gets like 25€. Everything above that league then is already hard to plan, when having a family, and then its not really worth the low amount of money
+ you get yelled at so much xD
Is he main or sideref? Reffing higher level doesnt necessarily make you earn more per hour atm. The gametimes can be a bit different and of course its way easier job on junior games and hobby games. I guess sweet spot for ease per € is younger teens games and hobbygames, less speed :D
both main and sideref, the difference there is like 5 € per game. Yeah junior games are prolly easier, but parents can be super annoying
Friend of mine got 30 euros for referring a and b-junior leagues in the lowest class. He gets about 80 for men-league in 1. Kreisklasse games. West germany op
men: 1. Kreisklasse 25€, Brandenburg not so OP
Friend took a risk and quit his job to work on a brand new company. Sure the paycheck for the first year or two wasnt that amazing but when they started to get more regular clients and money really started to roll in.

Other friend works on a larger company and has worked his way up during 6 years he has been there, but he is very very committed to that job, taking about every extra shift he can.

On a side note how you been mate?
Good mate trying to get my shit together though haha you?
Everythings good, work and normal stuff. Just had the urge to download ET again after a quite long break :D
that what i did 8months or 9months ago i got a pc on finance and et is still pretty dead but i've been playing pubg which is fun 5 years no pc action at all but it's good to pass time evenings till work :)
Wow, I honestly couldn't think of what to do during spare time without a pc. I mean i see my friends alot but there are days i just come home from work and game on till I have to go sleep :p
you got pubg?
nah, pretty much only csgo for me and occasional rainbow 6 siege with friends
gonna start i think
luckily in my job i can signup to do overtime during weekends and its usually 10-14 hours a day and make quite nice extra money :9
damn those some long ass days then bro :)
yeh well getting paid 150% on saturday and 300% on sunday motivates alot :D +its not physical. driving a truck or a wheel loader so
Ahh nice i'm going to college this year and learning to drive atm wasted years and years drinking and been an idiot so just trying to catch up now
Ask ipod for bitcoin advice
ask R0SS
Grind harder
Move to Germany I earn a year what I would earn in 50 years working as a bank manager in England, the pay jump is stupidly bigger than in uk.
germany has a pretty lowish income rate no? cost of living is also lower but still :p
Didn't you read? He earns 50 times as much in Germany.

ja dag he
no not really average wage is a lot higher than uk and I think cheaper to leave.
Ask ipod for bitcoin advice
start charging for sex

on a seareal note, real estate, information technology, or start ur own small business painting ppls houses etc
thers alot of ways to earn extra u just have to be willing to put in extra time and effort :D or fuck it just do loads of cocaine go to a casino for the whole night

or just start charging for sex
You can clean my mp40 after recking pussybashers - i pay 20e for one gsme
image: img_6279
Brew your own "kilju" and sell it to under aged kids :)
ah the good times when the bottles would explode in the forest
Organized begging is quite profitable and popular here atm. Basically what you need to do is recruit romanis (gypsies) for begging. These are very easy to come by since many of them stay illegally in the country and do not get deported. What you will do is you'll essentially be acting as their pimp. Once you have collected a staff of gypsies you'll need to strategically place them outside grocery stores where a lot of middle age women pass by since they tend to give the most money. That way the gypsies can also walk inside and steal some food once in a while and charge their iPhones. The gypsies will report how much money they have received by text message and you'll collect the money outside the subway station. This is good because you can use the subway to easily collect your tax-free profits from your gypsies that are begging all throughout the city. In return you give a negotiable cut of the profit to the gypsies and provide housing for them in the forest. You can build tree-houses in the forest for quite a good price if you use black labour and pay in cash (mostly polish craftsmen).

If you manage to gather a lot of gypsies to work for you this can be very profitable and all earnings are obviously tax-free.
Have u taken in consideration if these gypsies join in gangs and die in a gunfire which seems to be trendy in todays Sweden? seems like quite alot of work for me to constantly recruiting new beggers and keep track that ur only housing the ones working for u and not giving out any "freerides"
Lol, honestly I have no idea what these gypsies are up to exactly or how it is being done. I'm just meming. The beggery from gypsies is so widespread that it has become a meme here (you see them outside of every single store across the country). Sweden went from having the occasional alcoholic or mentally ill individual outside the liquour store to having gypsies begging for money around every corner in just a few years time :D

But it's quite clear that it is organized to some capacity. They follow a strict schedule and you'll sometimes see them talking to some shady individuals. I really doubt that there's a ton of gypsies involved in gangs like you mentioned (not sure if serious) but it's possible that they are being controlled/taken advantage by crime rings to some capacity, I honestly have no idea. And yes, we do have a problem with gang crime nowadays in some areas of Sweden and it has gone way too far. I think it is pretty telling that even our ridiculously politically correct government is willing to appoint military to help the police in areas where this sort of crime is running rampant :D
yeh i was just joking :D but seriously Finland is on the same path with these immigrants ganging up
hahah nuggan! :D i don't think scotland has many gypsies here though. How you keeping?
Damn, that's too bad I guess :DDD
I'm doing good man, how about you? How's nessy?
I'm good mate! me and nessy were out last weekend it got a bit messy with nessy so i'm having a quiet weekend this week :)
Lol, nice :D
saving this message for later when im bakc from teh cklub
seems to have lulz potential
There are a lot of techniques to make money without money.Do investigation and u will find whats worth for you.
If you can't make money without money you won't make money with money.
imagine there are people with no money spending money on making money just to spend money on making no money
imagine there are people with no money = no stable income
spending money on making money = investing
just to spend money on making no money= investing in bullshit ( go shop for expensive clothes while you know you live on your moms food << just an example )
that makes more sense now haha fuck aq
Csgo skin scam
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