Throwback to 8 years ago CIC7

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#tb to when Belgium Krosan almost killed Malta me, England R0SS and Finland twidi during the first day of CIC7 with his sexy Germany BMW

Where did everybody go?

P.S. How can I change my nickname back to my infamous self?
hai KillerBoy ;)
We be lurking
QuoteP.S. How can I change my nickname back to my infamous self?

there's another account named Killerboy atm and the search function is so bad that I can't find it :D
Blame that Belgian idiot in the photo
bring back the old cf
Never understood how the search bar works cause I never find anyone nor anything ahah
His nickname was not Killerboy before changing it to GoodGuyGary, so I dont see why it would matter. :P

PS. Hello Gary, its been a while again!
fuck off
First toxic and now you...#Team-Malta preparing for next NC!
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