Stemme's Birthday

So boys, today we celebrate 26 years of Stemmeness in this world. All gifts will be directed to Jinosta's ever growing bitcoin fund.There will be a celebration on hyperion 2nite! Simon has agreed to rap in french for me and perhaps show a nipple through snapchat. Oh and dick picks ala Jino will ofc be enjoyed. That is all.
hahaha what the fuck mate....
Happy birthday bro! <3333
thank you my love <3
seems like no friends for you, had to post it yourself :(
truth.. when i play public i always get that award anyway :(
Til hamingju með afmælið <3
takk fyrir <3
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday
sorry for this late reply but still happy birthday bigboi!
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