[CULAN] Tickets bought!

image: title
Hi crossfire e-friends,
I just bought my train tickets for LAN next week! I AM SO EXCITED AND I JUST CANT HIDE IT!
image: CULAN

Managed to find a blablacar from Paris to Frankfurt for only 30€ LOL it means more €€€ for bears!

So who's coming next week? I arrive at night but I'll be at LAN center on friday! If you see a guy doing pushups with a couple of chicks next to him come say Hi it's me ;{D!


image: tumblr_p7bnhrJoew1v1wvcuo1_1280
MarseilleLeFrancis - A soon-to-be lanproofed man

cu there bro
image: giphy
dont got thiccets will b hitchhiking all the way
hopefully i can find a truckdriver without herpes this time

not sure when i arrive but when i do it will be legen wait for it.... oh look a ladder

kind regards

p.s. could i borrow like 5 or 10euros
found some quality hookers in the lan area and am looking for some goodsexy time
cu there brotherm8
can give u 10 bucks if you share with me
sure bro you can put it in my ass anytime
stRayREPLY 7 May 2018, 22:51
yea we booked the venue from the 2nd of november untill the 4th of november!

news therefor will follow as soonm as possible! still 6 months to go!

Good luck
what? you gotta be trolling m8???
Nope true story bro
Cu there. Follow.et hotel booked from day before you arrive. Text Joe for more details.
btw who take care of the bitches? Joe???
i got u back m8 np
cu there
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