Mxt0r vs Snatix 1v1 (update 30.7.)

image: 10dzj3s


image: pRx4G-rognage_nb_180x240

Update 30.7.2018
After reviewing the evidence and receiving statements from both parties, the jury of the has released their official statement:

"Mxt0r's screenshots of his and Snatix's 1v1 match are clearly fake and made up (analyzed pixels). The official results of the 1on1 match are 31-9 to Snatix, thus Snatix remains officially unbeaten and the best 1on1 player in the history of ET."

- The jury of Crossfire
wtf! i thought mxt0r was the best in 1on1?
Yes until Snatix came to claim what is his, the victory.
Oh boi!
31-9 sure xDDD

image: vs_Snatix_4
image: vs_Snatix_2

Wuld be weird if he could skillboost this much x') Too bad Rong's demos aren't available :(

btw : gg Rong, this one is not a fake

image: OJtA1GK
image: x1xCw0i
image: RoqwFiHimage: mxtR_vs_Rong_6_ragequit

I'll keep his Huntplace ragequit for his next answer
y u care tho
Tbh i dont mate but this Rong is dead on ET since over 2 years and he opens his mouth on something that doesnt regards him ..
He spent the last 4years of ET being active PMing people and asking them to play 1v1 vs him, don't look for logic
I'm playing ET since 2004 non stop and 1on1 since 2007 everyday so... it's a little bit more than 4 years !
Someone still agrees to play against you every day? Wow... where do you find these people? Maybe we can revive ET after all!

Or do you just play 1on1 against yourself on two computers now? :P
Well, I'm not acting bad with people who are playing with me ! I don't like to show these results tbh, I usually respect people, in life and here, even more when they accept to play with me lol..

But when I see people like Snatix who trolled Damon exactly as I've trolled him with these screenshots only because Damon was motivated (and a bit mad to break his spree in these conditions), and when I see how this guy (Snatix) acts (like saying he doesnt care but actually plays his life in game and sending screenshot of his TrackBase ranking on jaymod forums to show how "good" he is.. and when a friend of mine sends me a picture of Snatix saying on HBC (when I wasn't there) "I'm unbeatable in 1on1", I just can't stand it..

So ofc I act like a cunt and I provocate a lot, i'm aware of it ! (but atleast i don't fake my screen, isn't it Rong?)

But i'm a bit disapointed you, hazz, answer to me like this cause i always respected you and I still respect you, so yeah.

Anyway, if I must keep answering with trolls like that with people like rong or others, I will

Peace mate
ah, my honest response would cause so much drama. lets just say i dont think it is a problem if someone wants to play
From what is that first screenshot? I see a familiar name there.
My first screenshot ? from Huntplace you mean ?
Ye the first two screenshots. Lol, seems like i typod the question. Was meant to ask when is it taken?
shit format
Shit result so he cba *

Please don't be mad at me when I play panzer at HBC ;) My stick just loves you <3
I can't imagine real snatix perform so bad, unless he played on a touchpad
Soon soon rematch once more! :D
z3R0 was bad in Q3
z3R0 was amazing on ET / RTCW on Huntplace, he was my teacher on RtCW on this map ^^

if you have news of him btw..
z3R0` aka quadgod betrayed pride and bought a PS/ XBOX. I talked to him like 6 months ago. He bought some penthouse in Dubai. The guy is busy building a Telco company in the desert, no more time for paly paly.
Aaaah yeah indeed now you say it I remember he told me already that he was going to play on consol.. and it was like 1 or 2 years ago..

Haha atleast he succeeded. ^^
oh no snatix lost a 1on1...whos gonna be the new 1on1 king now?....
wp mxtor brah gg
Mxtor got fucking ruined! I'd be well embarrassed if I lost a 1v1 by that much. /kill
Drama in 2018, #revivecrossfire
LeFrancis Aujourd'hui à 10:10
@Snatix Souhaites tu t'exprimer sur le snatixgate?
Si cest a moi que tu parles alors viens je t'attends :)
non mais tu vois pas que c'était un reply pour snatix? alors tu le cherches ton 1v1 frère je te déboîte à ET toi et toute ta clique de gorilles casseurs de pieds BRAP BRAAAAAAAP
Ah tu me deboites en 1v1 ? :') Alors viens mon petit je t'attends moi ! Ca me fera une victime de plus :)
Posting in legendary threat
Who did snatix beat at 1on1? Who?
Only people he has won against are Vinx, Weslann and the F|A Jaymod players :')
Clearly you have selective memory as snatix beat you... Proof is screen shot up the top in case you missed it. Don't feel bad because of it pal, could of been someone really shit like Joe!
You got some brain damage cause this tard always ran away when he had to face me

that's why i had to play undercover To own him otherwise he feared

So the Rong screen is a total fail x)

Btw potty, who are you ? Probably 1 more random Dick sucker lol
haha im sry man but i've never heard of you. Probally you are to much of a old school for me.
I was talking To potty but nvm.. im playing since 2004 and ive never heard about you neither.. sad
I see you made your profile like 5 years ago. I haven't played in like 5 years which is why you wouldn't of come across me.

But the only fail I see here is your attempt to 1v1 vs snatix. Honestly take the L and move on... You are even French so you have next to fuck all going for yourself. Also if that profile pic is actually you I'm surprised you've not covered it up with filters from snap chat as you are one weird looking mother fucked :S

Don't be mad because nobody knows you and you lost vs a med skilled snatix. Ot everyone was born for greatness :)
I actually made my first profil in 2008 but it disapeared when CF made its update after they got ddos..

The only fail vs Snashit ? :') i did destroy him pretty hard, those who believe Rong are dicksuckers as Rong lie all his life

French yeah, we are world champions :*

Can you show a pic of yourself please ? If you're brave enough To take the risk of seeing that you're ugly gaysucker

Ahah 1 thing i agree with you is that Snatix is just med skill as you said while he is claiming himself as med+/High xD but thanks to god i owned him pretty easily.. Im afraid you are forced to believe me cause i could send you the demos vs him while Rong is probably not able to do it as beating me 31-9 without /kill is just impossible so, I know that you know yourself this Rong ss is a fake so, trolling me doesnt work :)
trolling me doesnt work

proceeds to reply to every comment with a 2 page essay
XD vittun nörtti saat minut nauramaan
I'm praccing for my exams !
Cheers mate, needed that
I only speak the truth... Unlike this mxtor guy claiming it is a "fake picture" what a low skilled clown.
Ofc its a fake as its Rong who posted it and he stoped ET 2 years ago xD

But i actually admit im an idiot To answer To this as I know everyone knows i destroyed him and Rong just tried to troll me :D
Rong is the better player, admit it bro
I wouldn't even answer so much you're not credible xD
Snatix is the better player, admit it bro
Your sentence is still not credible

Search from something else "bro"
You are low+ max. Snatix is med- and beat your skinny low skilled arse.
Too bad all these players lost to a low+ player :(

btw :

image: bvU9fOj

I shit in your big mouth potty :* :DDD
Can you show me your face Joe ? :)
You are pretty for a French low+ player that fakes screenshots
this dude still getting baited in 2018 LOL he bites everytime
31:9 its rekt.
Well Vi3ri mate, i dont know if you were kidding or were just serious but Rong's screenshot is a fake, as he is a fake himself, true score is 39-27 for me on Valhalla and 29-12 on Huntplace ^^
mhm so u defeat Rong. GJ
39-27 and 29-12 are vs Snatix and Rong, I owned him like 10 times on the 10 times we played and he ragequited almost half of the time
weird. he used to have good aim
Good aim (but I've known way better) but bad movement and really bad 1on1 feeling.

and maybe he did have a good aim when he was activating his aimbot !
Maybe by watching demos from 1 way again, I could find a screenshot where he was saying "I'm outaiming 90% of the community" but he actually got owned :s
ET aside, why does your profile pic look like it was taken with a motorola razr from 2005?
ET aside, why does your nickname look like you live 13 years in the past ?
That's not ET aside...
And because I made the nick somewhere that long ago?
Then update it :)
tbf i have tried, many many times to change it to iphone. Its more relevant for marketing etc.
Good shit. Keep it up
ET aside, why is Mxt0r like 5'4 with a napoleon complex about 1v1?
ET aside, why you come somewhere you shouldn't be ? You don't know me, you never even met me in game and you talk ? you don't play ET anymore, is it about your canadian accent that we hardly understand or just a complexe about your ET results ?

Tu ne joues meme plus donc pourquoi tu ramenes ta gueule ici pour casser les couilles serieusement ?
Snatix the true king of 1on1.
holt den DaNe ran
Glad Snatix finally got his 1on1 crown by professionally smashing that low+ France mixtUre - it's a shame mixture is so shit
Check this nerds hahahahaha, but the truth is that i would beat the oldschool generation and the new one at 1on1 in a heart beat boys :D
with or without cheats?
Nerd got rolled
So why is he whining saying this screenshot is fake?
Honestly they're creating a drama in which I'm not even a part of it, I just happen to see my name in every sentence of this stalker lol
For once Snatix, you're talking wise and fair ! Your honesty is nice to read ! thanks ! Maybe i'll stop with these screens then .. even if you don't care i know it !
Snatix is the better player and better man. GG Snatix, gtfo mixture for making screenshots
He might be a better player, he lost. You congratz him for losing ? :(((

I can show you some more screenshot if you want to :)
Because Rong has never been there.. since he has stopped ET 2 years ago, he would obviously not be spec of a match like this if it had to happens again.. + Do you seriously think I could get rekt, by Snatix or anyone else 31-9 without /kill ? lol.. even aimbots wouldn't, and I wouldn't have stay on the serv with such a score ..

ipod plz tell me you're not this naive ! :o
I never doubted you winning the 1v1 or said you're bad at 1v1s. I just think it is really weird the way you try to ask every pro to 1v1 you and even tried to pay them to 1v1 you. It's like you want to win vs them so you can proudly say "I beat mAus in a 1v1" and imply that you're better than that player. It is extremely nerdy and makes me cringe even thinking about it.
1on1 is about reactions and pure aim, mxtor is a good 1on1 player but hes pretty unknown to the scene because he played just a few 1on1 offis against some low players 10 years ago and thats why nobody gives him credit.
I asked him countless times to play an offi vs me but he always seems to have something else to do but from what ive seen he always has time to challenge players with a fake nickname.
Well in offis i played vs LoCkheed, z3R0 / ZEROSLAW, mirage / MousS, Jo0f, DJ-FreeZe.. they re not low :s

son1c, Umek were also good, but well..
I dont like to play under ettv or smth.. Unlike you, i dont like pressure and i know ettv servs are laggy. Some will say its to hide a cheat or smth, but last time we played Damon i did film my screen and myself with my phone, atleast there are no excuses, for all respect and the hardest opponent you are ;)

The thing is that i also like to play against differents players,

I dont say im better than the player i beat, in 1on1 probably, but thats normal as people have for most of them, no experience. in 3on3, 6on6 or any other format they are probably better than me, I dont contest it.

When i act like showing résults that's only to troll people who troll me first or that i dont like. ive done it twice with Rong and snat, but ive never talked or trolled about the 600 other players ive fought..

I just like 1on1 and just wanna play it without pressure that's all.
2 viewers
i dont like pressure
If I lose there will be more than 2 viewers to troll me. Trust me
Nobody cares how many times(600) you beat these players because it was only a prac. If one of these guys you beat(600 times) plays one offi vs you and win all your screenshots and all your demos will fade away because this is how it goes. When you will learn that you will be fine.

And btw you should not have these kind of reactions on this troll post just because your small ego got a bit disturbed.
Whats up Damon, you wont start too will you ?

Well maybe that's why i dont take this risk ;)

What i cant stand are how potty Rong etc.. are trolling with the wish to hurt, while it actially doesnt hit me.

Ive defended you after your match vs snatix and you now seems to attack me too ?
Im not attacking you im just sayin that you are giving yourself too much credit and having an ego based on nothing.
From your comments i state the fact that you think ur somebody who beat countless players over the last 15 years but the only prove you got are some screenshots and demos with a fake nick you used thats all.

I asked you countless times to play vs me an offi with the whole mappool and you said yes at first and then everytime i would ask you to play that game you would say that you got something to do EVERY TIME.

And now you are talking like you did big things in 1on1 but i dont see any major offis from you. If i were you i would be quiet and not brag with some screenshots and demos that eventually will fade away with just an offi.
I don't give myself too much credit, I'm just arrogant because potty want me to be arrogant, so I play in his game.. I never showed my "ego" before mate did I ?
My comments are made to provocate and irritate mate !! omg !

the offi stuff are close, I told you why and there are no offis anymore anyway as the CG ladder is off and your last match vs shjzn was cancelled.

When I refuse to play thats just cause I cba focusing and got something else to do, I doupt you've seen me refusing to play vs you and in the same moment saying, bb I go to play with x. Or I'm not in mood, or I'm doing smth else, i'm not in front of my pc waiting for an opponent !

Officially or not, 1on1s aren't played seriously exepted by you mate and by myself when I got a strong and determinated opponent.

No more debate it won't change anything anyway,
Scared of the real players
We would cunt this guy off back to valhalla taking fake screenshots of players
really funny journal
To sum this post up. Mxture lost vs snatix and is trying to prove he beat him. Mxture is low and will remain low. Wants to fake screenshots and claim he beat good players. He is not offering evidence therefore mixture is as much of a cheat as neymar at the World Cup. End of story.

Cf is alive
Bit embarrassing - what a cret
Lost in your wishes maybe :') I've got nothing to prove to a dead random player who wouldn't even kill me half of the time !

Well if you had balls to come to face me in 1on1, maybe you would see yourself the dif between reality and what you think :)
Btw, thats a good thing you speak about the world cup

image: MlqEX3g
image: Nj82yuG

"It's coming home" :')) Holy potty, I know you hate France because we've won :')
Who will be the 100th comment writer???
It won't matter because mixture with fake the screenshot that it was him...
Stop your fanatism potty
image: yhuiy0m
xD you're broken m8
Some nerds say I have too much time to write journals in here but you beat me at this game (no fake)
image: ZWdoqum


Btw, for once, this was funny :)
Im waiting for the proof potty and nismo said they re going To show :D probably 1 dickhead nab playing with inexpérience like they got or maybe a shitty obvious cheater :D

Let the suspens be
I saw the proofs, they are irrefutable... :s
i think you are playing wrong game for 1v1
Someone make this gold journal sticky
Je viens à l'instant de voir cela, je suis terriblement triste d'avoir loupé cet idiot se faire bait x3000.
Mdrrr j'ai tout rate aussi
c'est trop facile :s
much to learn you still have
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