Yo boys and girls as we have one more month of summer we were thinking to bring some action back in this pretty dead game.
We are aiming for 8 teams for this in order to make it happen.
Here is what you need to know:

Start cup: 12th of August

Team format: 3on3
Score format: Bo3
Tournament format: Double elimination

Additional information:
Shoutcast: No

The mappool for the SUMMER CUP 2K18 is:
  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • TC-base

Romania Damon, Netherlands Sebhes

Miscellaneous information:
If there are any questions that are not listed in the text above, please contact us by sending a pm

Rules for the Enemy Territory Summer cup are:
  • Double Brackets Elimination
  • Teams are able to signup until the 10th of August
  • 1st match week: 12th of August - 19th of August

  • Banned CG players are not allowed to participate in the cup.
  • Noshows will be given 15 minutes after scheduled starting time. If your opponent is not there contact an admin;
  • Teams must provide their own server;
  • A player should only play for one team. If a team wants to use a player that has already played in the cup contact an admin and we will review the case;
  • Each team is allowed to have 1 spectator.
  • A team gets disqualified after there has been evidence of any kind of bug abuse. (proof must be given with a screenshot/record!);
  • In case of a double fullhold, an elimination system of the mappool is used to decide what map is played. The winner of the cointoss gets to vote the map;
  • Rules are meant as guideline. Admins are allowed to deviate from the rules in any scenario.

SIGN-UPS: PM me here or leave the team name and the line-ups in the commentary section.
If you want to check the sign-ups you can see them here:

List of teams currently signed up:
  • Europe 'xD Trickjump,
  • Europe 30 Seconds to MARS
  • Germany teamoxid
  • Europe mAlibu
  • Finland kurwittu
  • Poland darts-team
  • United States of America EID
  • Netherlands Prime squad
  • Europe NotSoStellar

Best regards,
I'll help Damon to guide everything in good lines. We are aiming on 8 teams and to finish the tournament in a reasonable amount of time. That is, at least one match per week per team.
Teamoxid will take part!

Good effort boys!

kReSti FiREBALL stRay
Europe mAlibu is Ready!
sign Finland kurwittu
FinlandLORDI is looking for 2 players for his team, Europe30 Seconds to SPAWN
I believe to correct teamname is:

30years to lose VIRGINITY
In ur case 20 years of et tryin to win vs 30 years to lose virginity :D7
I'm going to make a team with mixture the fake French version of mixer. We will fake screenshots to the final.
Well I receive a notification from an unknown specimen who seems to be adressing me a message because he answered to my message, but i actually dont know what is the link with me as I don't see my name anywhere...

Probably some fanboy who are trying to pay me attention :)
xD nejm, your rare answers are more powerful than all their tryhard trolls from niSmO + potty and all others who tried :D
vacation booked from 12th aug.
Damon and sebhes approaching to save ET, somewhere in the cyberspace 2018 (colorized):
image: flash-gordon-gif-11
Ahahhaa I love it
Hahahhahahaha idd
Avi pm me here
Singing up!


et_beach out
High++ player AVI.
Uyop brah find some nerds to play with and create a team
uYop doesn't have friends.
Thats why i said nerds xD hahahhaha
sign in Netherlands Prime squad
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