Sunday 20:00 Weekly 6on6 - News

Still gonna give it a try, since I seen many people on teamspeak still active, but not playing ET.

Hereby I am trying to get a new concept which means:

- It's like a onedaycup, but without signing up and shit. Just gather 6 people and play against other teams. Bring people from Jaymod, other mods idgaf, just let's start the competition over again :). Any ideas are welcome to increase the activity a bit.

Main reason is to get people back who think this game is dead, but would have time to read this site daily. If this can go one with like 4 teams for few weeks. I am pretty sure, it will get more teams. And so we can arrange a new tournament with prizemoney aswell.
- Also a very big problem is, the jaymod players won't understand the game at all and people will rage ( talking about myself aswell) if you play with people who never played etpro. But everyone started at a point and it is a fact that they share the same love of this game by playing it. So let's build something up together and hopefully make it to atleast 8 teams till the end of the year.
If this can succeed I can see a LAN happening in 2019 around May if I get in contact with the right people.
im gonna reinstall, im avi 4 sunday
Hi! It could be funny to share a private server password and try to reach 3on3 or 6on6 with random people :)
Let's have a set TS server (reckon we can use the 'xD TrickJump one?) and have dedicated channels where people simply join in and once there is enough people we go on (y)
Thats a great idea! We can use the TrickJump server as the main teamspeak for everyone and as for the servers i think hazz can provide some.
Where is it possible to find the teamspeak ip / credentials ?
We have our own server aswell which we can use.

Glad too see my teamspeak servers are still being used. I started hosting them in 2011.
good luck getting people from public servers with their recruitment policies though
I will try to be on the usual TS servers - roths and hyperion and message some friends

I think having 6v6s just once a week on certain day and time is good idea because of low inactivity
Ik zou niet te veel vertrouwen stoppen in de jaymod community, misschien 1 of 2 weken maar daarna hebben de meesten het wel gezien
As first, great to see that there is anyone willing to get ET going. Avi to play some games aswell..

Quote- Also a very big problem is, the jaymod players won't understand the game at all and people will rage ( talking about myself aswell) if you play with people who never played etpro. But everyone started at a point and it is a fact that they share the same love of this game by playing it. So let's build something up together and hopefully make it to atleast 8 teams till the end of the year.

Probably a bit pointed towards me since i get a lot of jaymod players into the etpro scene. Most of them are willing to play but as you said, they do not know how it works.
Lately we are playing some 3s everyday and you can see that some of them learn pretty quickly and are willing to learn.

I can try to set up a team from our clan since i know that a lot are interested in this. Maybe what Desti wrote above is right, but we will never know. We can always try it!

Getting a lot of players an make mixed teams would be nice where most low- could learn, even myself. Keep up this work and see you sunday Menace.
I appreciate your effort.
Count me in.
Defo available a little later on sunday.

Really important to have a sticky with TS info so people can join
Sounds good menace bruv. I will try hop in every now and then! Indeed jaymod etpro whatever, we share the same love for the game!
How much do you like The Carter V on a scale from 10 to infinity?
Havent fucked with it yet might do so tonight, you??
What is jaymod and nitmod and whatever mods there are?
I might install ET again and play a few hours at the evening but what are all those new mods? :o
Please return to steam and teach Seewi how to play Cancer Strike Gay Offense
I already tried teaching him how to use LG in quakelive but it didn't work out <3 :D
I'm avi :O

But I think it's easier to organize 3v3
i'ts even easier to organize 1on1 and i've already know someone willing to play against anyone:'D
Really ?? I don't know who is that, willing to play 1v1 in 2k18 :D
All can i say is that he's probably the 2nd best 1on1 player in france.
avi for lan
I can play every once in a while.
Make ET great again!
Hirntot admins said they can provide a server if needed.
Colonel Francis might be interested
More news will follow in an another journal, thanks for the postive feedback
im so in for this
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