Project #MEGA (update)

Dear computer friends,

image: etlogo!

As you may know I'm a very busy man. Travelling and cklubbing take a lot of my time and keep me away from computer related activities.
HOWEVER, after launching what I now call project #MEGA - Make Et Great Again I come back to keep you updated.

We make small steps but things start to move.

Professional channel for professional discussions
ET:Legacy crew offers us a place to discuss on their channel. They are active developers opened to discussions but they need advice that only YOU, professional ETplayers, can give. You can now use Disco software and hop in #etl-league to shape the future of ET. Tell them you come on my behalf! :{D

Anticheat and hitboxes
Thanks to your feedbacks, we are now looking at how hitboxes can be the same ones as in ETpro, since many of you were concerned (and you're right) about Legacy hitboxes being the ones from ETpub.

We re-open the discussion about the need of having a working anticheat for competitions and we will be working on finding a common ground. For the ones who ignore it, the major problem is that ET:Legacy is an opensource software which means the code needs to be available to everybody... even hackers. We are looking for some people who know about reverse engineering - programming.

I will be launching around next month a small competition to start things off. However, it wont be only about 6v6/3v3! I thought about something more fun! I like to keep things a bit mysterious but atleast I can give you the name of the next edition: "You buy cigarets, I buy cheats". Only oldskool nerds will understand the reference eheh :{D!
If you would like to help with organization you are more than welcome!

I contacted rising tournament platform Toornament and our old but gold game should soon stand between other big boys!

I contacted several possible partners and I'm waiting for eventual answers. So far, we got answer from Splash Damage who are looking forward to discussing with us! We won't be sharing millions yet but atleast things are slowly moving! If you have ideas about possible partners / sponsors let me know!

Some ideas that came out...
image: concept_HUD
image: etl_menu_idea_v2

image: tumblr_pgdl8zC0lk1v1wvcuo1_1280

Together, we will make ET great again.

Enthusiastically yours,

Marseille LeFrancis - An active crossfire user

edit: I edited discord link so it never expires
Amazing work captain. You and the team keep up the good work. Would be nice for the prowlers that stalk this site without commenting to show a little support with a post!
Thx for the backup m8


Very nice man!! Avi to help you out aswell. #OperationMEGA
Awesome cu #etl-league
good effort bro!
thx bruv I hope gaysek will join project MEGA soon too
if he doesnt, project MEGA will be doomed
Nice read! keep up the good work!
thx will do m8
GG man. I’m sure a large part of the community would back you for this.
Let's hope so! ;{D
I really cant tell if this is sarcasme or not:(
You are not alone bro :D!
It's not sarcasme, check the discord channel
In the end, is it really important to know? :{D
It would be an honor to work under you Colonel Francis. You know the French and Americans have a history of companionship since 1776.It would be an honor to die under your leadership considering Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

image: 89721987-1DD8-B71B-0BE77EEAE39E0520
Thx for your nice words comrad. Together we will make ET great again.
image: emmanuel-macron-et-donald-trump-a-l-issue-de-la-conference-de-presse-a-la-maison-blanche-le-24-avril
Nice to see you are still trying to get some action to ET!
I do anything for my ruma nörttit
But how are you doing otherwise mate? :)
you buy cigarets, I buy cheats Poland
wasnt it Czech Republic actually? By the B_4 master himself
Thx m8 any kind of exposure is helpful
LeFrancis you still the best ET player ever with Maxtor and Vinx, HB !
nobody can beat mxture 1v1 but thx for the compliment
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