#MEGA 100years showmatch

Dear computer friends,

11/11/1918 or 11/11/1918 for the Americans. It's 11 am, bells are ringing everywhere in FranceFrance. The battles have been rough and 18,6 millions soldiers stopped breathing forever. The train of FranceMarechal Foch is crossing the forest of FranceCompiègne and history is about to change. Germany and FranceLeaders find an agreement and decide to cease fire. What happened next, we all know it...
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQr1CtWpcGDaxMFz8VelxGWSFcl24E2sLLF2qAeor9enPLzNdy

Here we are, 100 years later, sitting in front of our monitors sharing e-bullets in remembrance of the old good days. Project #MEGA in collaboration with ET:Legacy and #follow.et professional eSports cklub since 2008, is proud to bring you some very high level and professional action!


Two teams of 6 players will be fighting for glory in front of noobs and hot girls/boys amazed by your skill everywhere across the globe! If we have more than 12 players, we can think about doing more showmatches, it's up to you!


L2r 11/11/1918+100 = 11/11/2018. Inb4 11/11/1918=0.00052137643 you think you're funny Mr BigNerd?


We will most likely play maps that are 100% ET:Legacy approved to enjoy the beauty of the graphics and not to play maps we never play like supply or goldrush.
1 match 3 maps
Map confirmed so far:
- Bergen

- Frostbite


Lol it's 2018 and you still don't have this very professional software called ET:Legacy? I would usually put you in my blacklist but today I'm in a good mood. Lucky you! Just click onto the logo down below :{D!
image: logo

Where do I sign in?

Good question m8. The toornament guys are working hard towards adding our game to their platform. In the meantime you can still sign in by clicking on the cool animated logo.

image: toornament_gifv2

Last words

This showmatch is a way to try out ET:Legacy and have a look at how we can improve things in the future! Don't hesitate to take part and your suggestions/advice will be taken into account.

Together, we will MAKE ET GREAT AGAIN. #MEGA

Professionally yours,
Marseille LeFrancis - A not so retired e-journalist

*_* as everyone know, France won and must win for this 100th anniversary
I'm ready to play / spectate this game. Noted in agenda.
Looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield m8
Woow Dmxj :D dat is lang geleden zeg
I'm ready to get absolutely wrecked on hangover
skillboost inc
Quoteto bring you some very high level and professional action!

image: 17c
You'd better be ready for my 69% acc :S
Good work Colonel. I’m proud.

I’m avi to play or to be a shoutcaster together with you.
Can't wait to hear you :x
Hehe, entertaining!!
Both are ok m8
Am I the only one who thinks that new frostbite just looks way worse than the 'normal' one? D:
Looks 'worse', but cleaner imo.

Too bad it had to start with us getting panzered in the EC final decider. <_<
:{D sorry for bringing back bad memories m8
very nice
link to bergen download?
version that i used to play on public was really easy to defend for axis
I am in new York that day. If any new yorkers want me to aid them I am more than willing. Make et great again
"MAKE ET GREAT AGAIN" placard next to the Statue of Liberty or riot
frostbite looks good
Frostbite still so shit. Nice try :(
Inscris-toi au lieu d'haïr et dis à ton frère mxt0r d'en faire de même sinon je vous attendrai gare du Nord, je serai le mec qui fait des tractions à une main.
Rendez-vous gare du Nord alors. Je serais assis paisiblement sur un banc tout en jouant à Minecraft.
Tant que tu fais pas des tractions avec ta bouche sur mon gros barreau ... *_*

Je veux jouer a l'ordinatueur mais en ce moment y'a une putain de femelle qui monopolise toute mon attention !
Joue pas au con tu vas pas te faire ta sœur quand même xD
je viendrai filmer la baston pour pouvoir faire des RT
Nice project
Sisi Belhu on t'attend pour cette bataille électronique de grande ampleur
ET ne fonctionne pas sur mon PC dsl mon pote :(
T'es sérieux? J'étais là-bas y'a genre 3 semaines. La prochaine fois paye ton coup.
mais waaaaaa préviens aussi putain..
Promis !
UP #MEGA #follow.et #cklubbin4lyfe #2pro4u #summerCupGoldenMedalist
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