But not without a last sweat


Enemy Territory has provided us with some of the most exciting moments in gaming history. We have got to meet new people, people who we eventually even went on to call our friends. Wolfenstein Enemy Territory is so much more than a game. It deserves more than a slow and painful end. Dear friends, it is time to step up and enjoy the game one last final time. It is time to give ET a proper farewell that it deserves.

It is Sunday morning, 6 am. I am properly reading the journal of Tosspot with all of its comments for the first time. Tears are starting to form in my eyes, thinking of how much joy ET has given me during all these years, the last 13 years. That was the moment I decided to write this journal.

Let me start out by saying that I have always been the kind of sentimental guy when it comes to stuff like this. It is not new for me to get emotional. It shows how much impact the game has made on me. Never for a moment did I ever think I would write this journal back when I decided to pick up this game.

My personal ET experience
Always did I play the old unpatch version of ET, 2.55. It was only in 2014 that I moved to 2.6b. To what many considered to be already in a very inactive state, was the most refreshing experience in my life. For the first time I was able to participate in competitions from my beloved game. Playing my first official match, where WuT spoke his famous words, words that, from his side, never contained more truth:

Quote by WuT>/ Sunday, 26th January 2014 01:21and here comes 'xD

The rest is history. Never did I regret a single moment playing this game. Eventually, I started organizing tournaments and even started to consider organizing a LAN event. Even though I had absolutely zero experiences in organizing such events whatsoever, it was my dream to do so. I wrote down all my thoughts and contacted the people I thought were capable of helping me. If you are interested, this was the message I initially wrote:
Quote by Sebhes Wednesday, 5th November 2014Hi Ohurcool and Merlinator,

Lately I have been talking to people about how awesome it would be to have another LAN for ET. Each person seemed excited about the idea. In my eyes, the best date for this to event to take place would be during the eastern weekend (3-6 April). I think it's realistic to aim for 10-16 6on6 and 3on3 teams. A enter fee of 50 euro per person should be paid in order to be able to play.

It might be interesting to ask if Tosspot is willing to help with setting up another LAN for ET. It would bring some activity back to the game and we could have another once in a life time experience.

These are just some ideas I made. I would love to talk to you about this topic, to see if it has potential. I don't really have any experience with arranging these kind of events, but with some good effort that we can make it happen! I truly hope you will seriously think about a this idea and not answer with "no, ET no active enough"- reply. Perhaps we should discuss this idea on mIRC or teamspeak. Looking forward to your reaction.

Kind regards,

We went on and eventually it was timbolina to step up and decided to help me. That was a crucial step, because I was aware that without a well-known name from the community this project could never succeed. I was not known to the larger audience and I was aware nobody would trust an unknown person in such big events. To do this day, I am still grateful to Tim for helping me organizing the 2 LANs that followed; the ET Reborn LAN and the ET United LAN.

It were the Germans Chosen, Ekto and stRay that I collaborated with organizing the last KBG LAN.
Never did I finish my post on my POV of the Grand Final from last LAN. The moments, the feelings, the chills, everything. But to give a summary on what happened. On the 21st of May 2017 my dream became reality. After a period of 12 years(!), me and my team finally managed to become champions. I fulfilled my dream and I am not ashamed to state that this must have been my most sincere happy feeling I have ever felt. Winning a Grand Final by beating a near impossible 3 minute time, on adlernest, as the 6th and final map was absolutely unrealistic and sensational at the same time.

image: game58117

Not without a last sweat
I'm not a man with much knowledge about keeping websites up. I hope others will help out on that aspect. However, I am able to contribute in my own way. Try to do what I think I can do best. That is to motivate and bring people together.

Throughout the week I have started to get in touch with a few people, share my thoughts. The idea is to organize one last final LAN. A good bye event that this game so desperately deserves. Realistic plans have been made on how to lower the costs, such that we can reduce the required amount of teams significantly. More details will follow in the coming weeks, give it some time.

In life, you are usually not aware of your "the last time". The last time you logged in into xfire or, perhaps, the last time you saw that particular person. Let us change that, let us take faith upon our own hands. Be the captain on the boat of our own destiny.

My name is Sebastian Heselaars, better known as Sebhes. A simple man with simple hopes. We might be not a like, but we all do share the passion for this game called Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. I realize too well that all good things are not meant to last forever. However, it won't end like this, not without a last sweat.

The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever

not all heroes wear capes! Never made it to a LAN but there's a first time for everything.
Beautiful words Sebhes !

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory in our heart forever !
zamknij morde
suceur de zboubs
Déjà 1) tu réponds à la mauvaise personne

Et 2) tu rages parce que tu as pas compris le 1/4 de son poste !
non je lui parlais bien au polak moche trisomique aka bloodje et c'est bien un suceur de zboub car aucune nana ne voudra lui sucer le siens :)
Blaudje never digested his loss against me with around 15 kills dif

No worries Bloudge, its soon the end
Well written Sebhes iam AVI
Hallo teamgenoot
Sounds great! :)
Sebhes for president! Avi for LAN
Thank you seb. Im in all the way call me if i can be of any assistance.
Let's take this last time in our own hands indeed.
Last lan lets goooo
amazing time with xD' TrickJump guys <3
I went through some of my oldest pms this morning and one of them was from you. I was wondering if you would see this post, because I haven't not seen you around for a while. Very glad to see you did!
noice! :)
Thank you for the support guys. I've received a couple of messages from different people who want to help out. It is much appreciated!
#follow.et ready for action
#follow.et 10 years anniversary CULAN
nice nerd
And nothing about our bromance on 2.55 where I was in 'xD tj gang
Hahahaha forever in my heart Yoshi
Sebhes you're the best one <3
Suceur de noeuds
Much appreciated as always ViNX!!
love u <3
rengbengbeng!!!!!!!! AVI for LAN

Cu @ lan @swixz homo! #sorryjohan
Not so triggered anymore :)))))
I'm ready to get fingerblasted at lan
Let us meet in the end Bobika (y)
Wouldn't actually be a problem now since I could get days off (y)
Yes lets meet bo bi ka
Imma get you atleast two shots of your choice there woop woop
Boiiiii esketit
Nice read bro :)
I still have the video after you won the final where I ask you "How does it feel to be a champion?" and you said something like "Its the best feeling ever". Hopefully I can see you at LAN again.
Ohhhh! I never thought you would consider to come again, that would be great. I've never got to see that video, but I do remember it hahaha it truly was!
image: giphy

Great speech, would read again, nice times as well :P
Ahaha I love the gif, let's hope others are convinced as well and we can gather a group for a last event. I'm convinced we are able to
A lan without prize pools. Cheap entry just for a meet up. It's not as if there's any big teams to attract anymore. Could even do it so you can sign up as a 1 man 2 man or 3 man and draft pick the rest! Gives all those loners with no friends like me a reason to sign up. MAKE IT HAPPEN
You have friends m8. You're a professional cyberathlete at #follow.et.
that's indeed something to think about. As far as I know quite some people find the entry fee an obstacle because they already have to make a lot of costs. If we want this to be a last LAN with as many people attending as possible (so you atleast get some decent tournament going with a decent amount of matches) this shouldn't be a burden. Ofcourse some kind of reward would be nice for top 3. Some good thinking material
I might come back for this - hit me up on fb if you fancy it
I'm always down for a weekend away
Let's hope this happens !
Ja zat al te twijfelen, maar erwin krijgt de eer niet meer
thats where ure wrong kiddo, erwin krijgt altijd de eer
michael wilt de eer hebben wanneer er niks te halen valt.. HIj komt alleen 5 jaar te laat in the scene... beetje jammer :)
OutlAw representing [dd] at LAN?
Wat is [dd] LUL
Hey Photo, come look at this.
hes getting a real life kick and ban when i see him
Sounds great! one last LAN in enschede please.
Enschede went bankrupt in 2016 I believe
oh. too bad. was good location.!
Nice Sebhes :)
Avi as fuck!
mooie woorden sebb
we need a crowdfunding or at least a donation button. but more a crowdfunding and we spam it on all our social media
Crossfire is my only social medium :s
discord, quakenet

dont lie to me
ahha you lost to fucking kazim and you kept on playing, impressive determination indeed Sebhesm8
Low- avi for first and last LAN if I dont have to travel to the other end of Europe :^)
Hows Germany?
Assuming I live in NL Germany shouldn't be too difficult
I might be able to help with a location in NL. I sent you a pm Sebhes.
I'm down if it means I get more topless pics of you.
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