RTCW Troubleshoot FAQ

So a lot of ppl pm'ed me with RTCW install and config issues. Here is a FAQ with the most common problems:

I need RTCW, where can i find a handy preinstalled version with mods and maps?
Mirror 1: http://wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=4470
Mirror 2: http://homie1337.bestmail.ws/rtcw/misc/RtCW14pack.exe

where does the community hang out?

Issues with CD Key (kicked on server with empty cd key etc):
- Generate a cdkey with the ETKeyGen: http://etkey.org/
- save it as rtcwkey put it in your main folder ("RTCWGAMEFOLDER/main/rtcwkey")

Issues with Punkbuster not running etc:
Run PB Svc Installer (as administrator, from Start Menu) and install services (ignore possible errors).
This is located in your base/root RTCW folder

Getting kicked by punkbuster:
check console and fix your cvars! make sure to do vid_restart after changing values

I got framerate (FPS) issues:
- com_maxfps 125;vid_restart
- disable vertical synch on your Nvidia/ATI card settings
- r_swapinterval 0 (disable vsynch)
- r_primitives 2 (fps issue fix)
- r_displayrefresh 0 (how much hz synch)

How can i get fullscreen without blackbars for 16:9?
r_mode -1; r_customwidth 1920; r_customheight 1080; vid_restart

try this possibly too if you still have issues:
- r_fullscreen 1
- put your resolution ingame to your native desktop resolution
- Put your windows scaling windows to 100%: https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/increase-text-size-computer

Everytime i change my config nothing changes:
Your config file might be read only. This happens a lot when RTCW is somewhere in program files in windows.
Try moving your entire RTCW folder to your documents or desktop for example

Issues with running RTCW with steam:
Don't use steam app to launch rtcw. Use the WolfMP.exe directly to launch RTCW

I have negative mouseaccel or my mouse feels laggy:
Use the RInput program. This will let RTCW use 1:1 raw mouse input. Be sure to run it as administrator, or else it might not work
How to: Run RTCW, open RInput as administrator, type WolfMP.exe and press enter
Download link: https://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1656-rinput/

How the hell can i use mouse4 and 5 in RTCW?
Unlike ET, on RTCW you can't bind them directly. You can however rebind mouse4 and 5 to another key on your keyboard with XMouseButtonControl

Where can i find a good config?

Give me that handy RTCW minimizer, im tired of alt +enter

How can i spawn at different places in RTCW?
/setspawnpt 0:
Default spawn

/setspawnpt 2: (Mostly start spawn or alternative start spawn)
Beach, axis lower bunker
Beach, allies beach
Frostbite, axis garage
Frostbite, allies baracks huts
Ice, axis south spawn

/setspawnpt 5:
Beach axis barracks
Braundorf axis barracks

/setspawnpt 101:
Beach, Allies sniper hill,
Ice, Allies south spawn hut (doesnt always work, depends on score and amount of players)
Adlernest, allies start spawn

Where can i find maps to download?

My demos don't save in demos folder
Installing RTCW in program folders can be buggy in windows 10, with permissions. Best put it somewhere else, like in your documents folder.
Your demos will still be saved in some virtual space though. search on your computer for .dm_60 files
example location: C:\Users\Timo\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\osp\demos
Powershell command to find them:
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\, D:\, E:\ -Include *.dm_60 -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

FOV toggle script please?
set zoom "vstr zoom1"
set zoom1 "cg_fov 90; set zoom vstr zoom2"
set zoom2 "cg_fov 110; set zoom vstr zoom1"
bind mouse2 "vstr zoom"
Nice one homie :)
Well done homie!
this journal is now regarding me trying to form a team for the rtcw cup
reply here or msg me
rtcw troubleshooting great. metal roofer near me
Check console and fix your cvars! make sure to do vid_restart after changing values | pos system for restaurant
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