mouse not working in rtcw

for some reason whenever i start wolfenstein 1.4 my mouse cursor shows outside of the game ( as if you would alt-tab ) and there is no way to get it active again.
I have a steelseries 300 playing on a laptop with the mousepad turned off.
Anyone has had the same problem?
Weird issue you got..
lol how useless can you be
ye shut the fuck up retard without lan experience
Weird screenshots you got...
i think it l2p issue
In ET it happens with "in_mouse" set to 0 (i guess RTCW has got pretty similar commands), try 1 or -1 and vid_restart
Anyone has had the same problem?

no coz we dont play with laptops daa!
i think for some reason whenever you start wolfenstein 1.4 your mouse cursor shows outside of the game ( as if you would alt-tab ) and there is no way to get it active again.
You have a steelseries 300 playing on a laptop with the mousepad turned off.
disable trackpad.
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