Teaser: ET LAN and tournaments

It has been a while since we saw some Enemy Territory competitive gaming. This journal is intended on giving the community a small update regarding initial plans for an up and coming LAN.

I am proud to announce that the following names will corporate to ensure you with the best experience:
  • Sweden Ekto
  • Netherlands Sebhes
  • Germany stRay

We have been in touch with some players to discuss the best possible date to hold a LAN event. As of right now, it looks like the LAN will take place by the end of May / early June 2019. If you are interested in creating a team for the coming event, do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the admins to share your availability during this period.

We are still thinking of a fitting name to entitle this event. We are open for ideas from the community. We would like to have a title that includes both the nostalgic feeling ET has given us, but also to remind everyone in a positive way that this will most likely be the last offline event organized for ET. Feel free to leave a comment below, if you think you have the name it takes or, alternatively, send a PM to either Ekto, Sebhes or stRay.

Online Tournaments
To prepare teams and players there should be an online competition. For this reason, we will start to host online tournaments somewhere in early 2019. More information on this will follow in other journals.

Lower entrance fee, lower amount of required teams
We have been thinking of ways to decrease to requirements to organize a LAN. Because this event will define the end of a long-long era, we have decided to initially work without a prize pool. By doing this, we can decrease the amount of required teams to only eight for both 3on3 and 6on6 formats. Providing us with more security to organize this event. Evenmore, the entrance fee can be reduced slightly as well.

More information will follow in the next weeks. For now, enjoy your Christmas holidays and time with your family and/or friends. Spread the word, we are not done yet. Enemy territory still has enough in gas in the tank to pull a last one. Something it certainly deserves.

The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever
gonna end up like "Krefeld 2k18 LAN" but still avi

I'm in what ever the dates. Might play with follow.et or might play for a team that will win a round.
Hahahaha excellent! Might do something with the suggestion you gave before regarding the draft teams. I liked the idea.
I was thinking. If only 8 teams are needed you could do a team tournement and a random draw one.
I'm surprised by the amount of interest that I am carefully positive we will reach, or even exceed, the number of teams in a reasonable amount of time. It is a good suggestion, We'll keep it in mind.
This is a good idea tbh, just to have some fun. I didnt play the game for a longgg time but I might be interested to play some not-so-serious games in the weekend. This way it would be fun to be able to win some rounds, have some fun and say goodbye to the game. With some beers & chocomel :-)
#follow.et about to break a new record of alcohol consumption at lan
Nice LeFrancis, i’ll support follow.et
Thank you, wanna come yourself?
naah, i am still a poor polak, but will try to support this event via my twitch channel
Where do you live in Poland?
Nice good luck!
Thx Tim! Je komt wel toch?
Kom EEF team dan
GL&HF Sebhes
soz4ownage Lan.

on a more serious note;

Memorial Lan // The last Resort Lan;D
Gracias amigo!
nice work!
trying hard with the name
The return to castle wolfenstein
The returny to enemy territory
Forever et / et forever
crossfire lan
et legacy

nevermind i give up i got less then nothing. *idea* wait a minute, nothingness can fill a void
what about
we leave it blank.
with the intent of trying to find a partner/sponsor, where we could offer the name of their org to be the name of the lan,during negotiations we can reach a compromise where they would sponsor online leagues where we would have each year two seasons :D
*got bored of thinking*
Thank you for thinking with us, appreciate the ideas!
Avi! Let's make this last LAN a memorable one.

Some random ideas for the name:
- ETernity LAN
- ET: the last battle
- ET: end of an era
- ET: in memoriam
- ET: the final mile
- ET: the last stage
- ''sponsor'' ET LAN
sp_delivery_te_24hoursmarathon LAN
Much appreciated as well, thank you
low- tard avi
No option for a small rtcw side tourney? Seeing as this will be the last lan prolly
According to Justin Bieber; never say never. I don't us expect us to have some intentions to host a RTCW tournament ourselves. But if you want to put the gloves on, who knows what's possible. I'm not giving any guarantees, because the aim focus should be ET and don't want to have any conflicts with schedules. However, that having said, RTCW is the father of ET and it would be weird not to honor it in a respectful way either.

Send you a PM with my number
This is amazing. I will try to get as much people as possible to go to this event. Let's fucking go.

Can I help with organizing this in any way?
Multiple people have offered help, which I am very grateful for. We should be good for now, but in case that changes I won't hesitate to let you know. I've send you a PM containing my whatsapp regardless. Appreciate the enthusiastic tone.
Good effort iam AVI LAN
I think the lan should be named after #follow.et the best esports cklub since 2008 and for its 10 years anniversary.
(#Potexit lan is also an acceptable option)
Stay mad 2019 year of me crushing and ending follow.low+ forever
ETR2 LAN /ET Reborn 2 LAN
make it 5v5 plZ
Haha I like the fact you remember the Reborn LAN. Why 5on5 tho? What advantage would it give, besides the "more teams" which I personally don't believe in. I've missed the entire era of 5on5 formats in ET, so I can't judge from a competative point of view.
I fought to bring back 6on6 and wonnered the fight against BelgiumKrosan. #NoMore #potexit
If its 5v5 I can only put 5 of you dogs in follow down. Keep it 6v6 so I have that extra person I can throw in a grave
Give it a try with online tournaments, we had successful events with 5v5 format. Maybe add Fortnite/CS:GO/PUBG/ or some other game to LAN so we maybe have some active CS / fortnite / whatever players who used to play ET in before, so they can play at lan 2 tournaments-- maybe a option to get a sponsor if we add those games to lan for prizemoney whatever or a lager lan event/viewer peak like the crossfire devotii lans were with CoD

i.e Winghaven plays PUBG and has many followers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAwfg2i_sTwqrYmh8UBGGjA
I read your PMs, but will react here in public in case others are interested.

I, myself, am not going to host 5on5 tournaments, because of the limited time until the LAN. We had 3 successful LANs with the 3on3/6on6 format and I dont see the immediate need to change that. So (on my own behalf) would like to stick to the current formats.

Other games have been considered before. I dont have the intentions to add other games for several reasons. First of all, we only have a limited amount of Pcs and time available. This would conflict with the ET schedule. Secondly, I'm convinced it would not increase the amount of sign ups for the ET tournament. Thirdly, I dont want to spend my own time in other games and lastly, I don't believe in a sponsor. We want to break-even with the ET teams and I have much faith in our current plan.

Don't get me wrong, I love that you think with us. I'm just giving my word back on the matter on how I see it from my personal point of view. I'll talk with stray and ekto about it regardless, so thank you for your input.
No problem, just a suggestion!
Like the cdc style:


just with fortnite/cs:go or pubg and maybe add rctw or quakelive?^^
Avi if Francis pays for me. SISI NEGRO TU PAYES OU QUOI
LAN name ideas:
This is ET
This was ET
I like the (maybe accidental) Michael Jackson reference
Deutsche Panzer rollen wieder
Einmal würde noch gehen.
This is ET is the less original name you could ever get.
This is the name of one a controversial news I posted back in 2008 or so about the state of ET back then.
This is the name of a fragmovie by Kamz and later by "Ati" and I could keep going

#ETernity it is
GL Sebhes, kga miss wel mee om jou aan te moedigen als je belooft dat je gaat winnen
Jaaaa dat zou leuk zijn haha even afsluiten onder het genot van het nummer traag
Nice to See!
You Already got a Location?
I have a New project called „Esport Factory“. www.esportfactory.de
If i can Support you in any Things, Write a PM.
How many computers do you have set up?
On the Stage 10-12 Computer. And then we have two Bootcamp Rooms with additional 12 PC`s. So 24 PC`s. If needed we could fill the Front of the Stage / another Room to play.
Not gonna happen, mattress.
I don't see why Sweden Disposable wouldn't make it to this LAN.

Where to?
any old lost soldiers/smashed/noTeamplay/mMonkeys members wanna go?
Smashed of course!
wer denn so?
Unser letztes Lan Team: seequh, fimsi, wikza, ekto, ich und vllt noch scati
Dunno exact date of the lan, but Im avi if it is going to be the weekend of 25-26 May.
Anticipated dates: 17-19th of May.
Might be do-able as well...
Make it happen soldier
okay, you are in our team now
Haha we"ll see :D
Haha eronita
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