Sunny radar


Why do we still play the same maps all over again? There is huge variation of remakes and newever versions of currently played, let say, competetive maps. For example why do we play braundorf_b4 instead of braundorf_final? However this example doesn't bring much. What about weather change?

I had a vision. If we wanna successfuly reborned ET someone (probably some epic mapper) need to make a remake of a radar map. The concept of sunny/summer version of a radar should be re-make of pak0.pk3/maps/radar.bsp map. Without a fog, and without a puddles, fully visible distance (currently is limited even the fog is turned off) with nowadays hardware improvement that shouldn't be significant fps-drop problem anymore for most of (/rest of) players.

Oh wait, there is already such remake:
However there are some changes which I don't like:
- Some secret passages from: flag -> main-gate -> under the wooden bridge door.
- Double door at side.
Some changes which I found kinda interesting:
- back main-gate (behind truck) where you are able to climb on the top of a flag-bunker.
- some places are now reachable main-gate top bunker - both sides.
In my opinion too much changes ruin the real spirit of the original map. I understand that author of this remake wanted to create something innovative and meaningful but some changes ruin the basic concept of competitive gameplay. There are also some texture glitches around the map but this is a different story...

Radar is one of the best map for gameplay. Why so rainy and depressive? We need more sun, and as we all know more sun = more D3, but too much (changes) = cancer.

What do you think about this?
your words are more black and white than charles chaplin films imo
don't think moar sun in radar will save ET but i welcome all efforts
looks nice !
Never change running system
Radar best map, needs no change.
Do new maps don’t destroy good ones
This is the most outstanding bullshit I ever heard.
If there wouldn't be any progress, then we still would play basic goldrush.
Even delivery in current version is a remake of default delivery.
There is many maps which can be mentioned and without those remakes they wouldn't be so popular.

The radar itself is very perfect map. But even so it's still modificated from original version e.g.:
- bushes (disabled)
- fog (disabled)
It's cosmetic changes, can be done in config.
Because there was a fog in original map, the distance view permamently is limited due to the hardware specification in the past - too much fps drop that time. It was desired concept - fog and limited distance view together works cosmetically good, fog was blurring rest of not rendered area.. But now? It's ugly, fog is taken down and you can clearly see the wall of not rendered area. But it's even worst. When you want to see not rendered area in front of your crosshair, you just need to turn left/right where desired area will be on the edge of the screen - it enables you to see farther off than looking at it directly.

The concept of new sunny_radar was motivated due to the facts above. It's nice to have fully visible radar. And thats it, no more. So sunny radar is just cosmetic change for disable distance view limit. Too much changes would ruin this map.
This is the most outstanding bullshit I ever heard.
If there wouldn't be any progress, then we still would play basic goldrush.
Even delivery in current version is a remake of default delivery.
There is many maps which can be mentioned and without those remakes they wouldn't be so popular.

The radar itself is very perfect map. But even so it's still modificated from original version e.g.:
- bushes (disabled)
- fog (disabled)
It's cosmetic changes, can be done in config.
Because there was a fog in original map, the distance view permamently is limited due to the hardware specification in the past - too much fps drop that time. It was desired concept - fog and limited distance view together works cosmetically good, fog was blurring rest of not rendered area.. But now? It's ugly, fog is taken down and you can clearly see the wall of not rendered area. But it's even worst. When you want to see not rendered area in front of your crosshair, you just need to turn left/right where desired area will be on the edge of the screen - it enables you to see farther off than looking at it directly.

The concept of new sunny_radar was motivated due to the facts above. It's nice to have fully visible radar. And thats it, no more. So sunny radar is just cosmetic change for disable distance view limit. Too much changes would ruin this map.
need sunny winter radar.
kiedy cos gramy trzeba zlepic sklad na lana -- musimy pogadac !!!
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