New ETPro public server

image: 761868


Hello, this is Bystry from Team Muppet.

To respond to the recent expectations and needs (lack of good ETPro servers, massive lags on some of them) of ETPro players, Team Muppet yesterday set up a new ETPro public server located in France.

We aim to keep it as pure as possible, so there are only official maps, no skins, add-ons, changes. Currently only 3 lua scripts are uploded: HP announcement, killing spree and global combined.

What more do you need to know?
- low and stable pings;
- XP and level reset after each map;
- standard spawn times;
- every player starts with level 0 of each skill;
- active TM cheatbusters team and admins;
- limited heavy weapons and RG;
- 15 minutes timelimit;
- 24 slots;
- short map list.

Map cycle: sw_goldrush_te -> radar -> supply -> adlernest -> frostbite -> sp_delivery_te -> erdenberg_t1 -> karsiah_te2 -> bremen_b3 -> braundorf_b4.

As ET seems a bit more active lately, we hope this is something that will meet the needs of all ETPro players. Come and see for yourself.

Visit us at and join us on discord (

Dmxj, Bystry and Team Muppet
yeehaa, now I only need the client
see you at the server ;) Well done!
All tips are welcome!
Good luck with it :)
Perfect map cycle wp
Btw: for those who can't find the ip

See yah at the server!
Normal FFA ! f&cking finally
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