Outlaw swallows what?

Sounds interesting. Wanna play with me?
Not saying that he's necessarily cheating, but 12-> with 0.25x speed looks very suspicious. He is laughing and at the same time tracking the falling enemy's hitboxes perfectly, even when the enemy crushes to the floor his aim goes a bit down and back up perfectly with the hitboxes. At some point he actually sees the enemy and shoots a bullet.
Damnit. I was busy looking at his face when watching it so I missed that! Thank you. :D
Oh shit okay I just watched it properly, and I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but I'm gonna assume you are not and reply seriously. (I know, it's shocking that I can be serious sometimes too...)

So uhm... I can see why you would think that if you've watched a lot of demos, but since this is a stream of live gameplay, ET's antilag will do its job properly, so the hitboxes should more or less match the model. Certainly no bot would be trailing that much, and if you were to shoot when that much behind the enemy, there's no way you would hit them.

To put it shortly: that kind of "hitbox trailing" your analysis is based on is only there when you're replaying a demo or spectating someone.


I'm also not quite sure what you mean by the crosshair going a bit down and back up with the hitboxes. It seems exactly the opposite of a bot. A human would accidentally keep tracking downward after the player has already hit the ground, and then correct the mistake after realising (likely subconsciously) that the enemy is not moving downward anymore. A bot would just stop once he has hit the ground, since the hitboxes don't sink into the ground. His crosshair goes to the allies medic's toes before it starts going back up, while the animation stays more or less exactly level after hitting the ground.

I'm not trying to sound defensive here. This is just what in my opinion is happening in the clip.

One more thing: if you look at the camera picture, you can sort of see that he seems to be moving his right hand a lot there, and if that's so, it rules out his crosshair moving completely on its own, but I guess some kind of an aim-assist bot is still a possibility.
You would be surprised if you watched the clip with hitboxes on. The hitboxes come behind when falling in ET. Also he hits the enemy when he's already behind the wall, so there must be some delay.

I mostly look at the way he is tracking the enemy, which looks unhuman to me in this clip. Notice the time when the enemy hits the ground, at that time hitboxes stack up closer to the ground and after a while get back to normal. The model isn't doing that but outlaw is following these hitboxes (go a little down and back up). And he's doing this while laughing to a joke.

Maybe he's just a natural machine or knows how ET's hitboxes work.

What I see here does not surprise me at all. This was done using b_realhead -1 on a server where I have about 48 ping. Yes, the hitboxes do seem to come a little bit behind because the pictures drawn by b_realhead -1 only get updated every server frame (servers run at sv_fps 20) and my FPS here is 125, but whenever they do get updated, they do in fact seem to be placed exactly on the model, not behind. Certainly not as much behind as they would need to be for outlAw to be tracking them on that clip from his stream. If you'll notice, they also don't stack up closer to the ground when a player hits the ground after falling.

As for the doing it while laughing at a joke, I don't really have much to say, except that at least his eyes are pointed toward the screen. I'm not 100% denying that there might be something suspicious here. I'm saying that what you're suggesting, based on this clip, is just highly unlikely in my opinion.
https://imgur.com/a/iPaLe02 Falling

Oh ye, actually the model also goes down and up only with the headshot hitbox.

Can you do a video where you jump off the ledge(not drop from it) and actually crunch on the ground like in outlaw's clip?
What I meant by the hitbox being updated less frequently: depending on how you time the screenshot you take, you can also take one where the hitboxes and the model match exactly: https://i.imgur.com/53b5E4a.jpg
As for hitting him when already behind the wall, look at how wide the hitbox is and compare it to the model.
QuoteAlso he hits the enemy when he's already behind the wall, so there must be some delay.

as there's no delay in hitbox/model placement, there's a delay in hit registering since (correct if i'm wrong) it's server handling calculations and sending feedback about hits.
Correct. That's why, when you shoot and hit, you hear the hitsound and see the smoke puff (or blood splatter if you have them on), a little bit later than you hear your gunshot.

That combined with the wide hitboxes is enough to explain the hit on the clip without assuming that antilag doesn't keep the hitboxes almost exactly in sync with the model you see.
because someone like Matias said it, it has to be true right....
QuoteMatiasREPLY today, 09:06
Not saying that he's necessarily cheating, but 12-> with 0.25x speed looks very suspicious.
The only one who cheated is potty baiting with his name to let me say stuff i dont want
Nevermind the resulting "drama" or whether potty is a dick or not (he is), what he did there was absolutely hilarious. I laughed for a good 5 minutes. :D
He is bantering on discord now :D
Yeah but the joke is over. It's not funny to me anymore. He's just milking it now, boring.
I AM NOT A DICK. But it was funny :)
This thread is now about the cheating arse hole outlaw.. You dirty scumbag! I also heard he swallows cum.
So basically i should never laugh aynmore else im considered a cheater?
once a cheater, always a cheater
the support is unreal from you
I'd like to take this time to say now we know why he started cheating again he's salty maus has been streaming ET he told me he'd do anything to show he was the better streamer and i guess Matius himself has figured out how far this man will truly go.

I do not know if this was a smart move, brave or just utterly stupid on his part but they do say once a cheater always a cheater. I hope this does not affect his lan performance and he has enough time to practice without these cheats. I however will give him the same treatment shjzn got so fuck this nerd and keep ET strong people.

2019 people still cheating GG back to fartnite it is.

Ps fuck you mikey i actually trusted you man..
I think it is sad and stupid he need to hack because he loses all his viewers on twitch to maus. I feel sorry for outlaw stopping this low. What a cheating fuck tard.
apart from this guy's cheating, can I find this config/similar ones anywhere? is there any config database like with FM's?:P I cannot get used to my previous one, probably because of completely different monitor n stuff. Would like to try something new
thx mate, looks good
browsing through cfg - seta cg_panzerhack "1"

we've got a confirmation
You decieved me!
Hehehehrehehe outlaw cheeky bruv
In other news WAKIZASHIUK caught aimbotting in overwatch

poor outlaw =)
happens the best :D
Seareal can confirm! :D
First sereal down, now outlaw. Nobody is safe!
Im gonna post a interesting link later here
Hey babe im living in inverness pm on whatsapp 07414802968 xxx
It was funny once maybe twice now its boring
for you maybe...
i'll never see how i find it funny once is your gf reading your message i guess....
Not that its of your concern but we laughed at this. If you want to discuss this we can some othet time because it seems that alot of people are actually interested in this.

On another note, i could hook her up when she pulls up though whatmesay
ill stop now i guess the humor of it has gone..
Sooooo damn good :D
nice cheat retard :ss
Sorry to let you down bruv
heb je aandacht nodig schatje
Ik probeer iedereen af te leiden voor je hhahaahahaha
don't ever do some dumb shit like that again
Oh no :))))))))))))))
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