ETPro discord updates

image: n1WJVmU

Onto the next thing we go, now that we have presented the ranked gather, I had pleasure yesterday to interview the man behind the Anti-Cheat that is being used on one of our private gather servers and provide entire community with a bit more informations.

To read entire interview and all information about it, click here

Since we are already on the topic of Anti-Cheat, hellreturn was so kind to provide us with two servers that have AC enabled, one is the private ETPro server, which we use occasionally on gather, but will be used mainly on ranked games, and second is the public ETPro server, down to the details we go then!

Private ETPro match server, provided by =F|A= with their Anti-Cheat

Name: ext3'red server
Slots: 24
Location: The Netherlands
Password can be gained on our discord server, if you wish to use it for scrims.

image: et

Public ETPro match server, provided by =F|A= with their Anti-Cheat

Slots: 32
Location: Germany

image: et

If you wish to test the server and Anti-Cheat itself, the public place is perfect place to do so and knowing you will enjoy the company of clean players, without any random hackers. Any suggestions for improving public server settings are more than welcome.

Going on with the updates we have done recently on our discord channel:
  • Made community channels so players can talk in their native language without us harrasing them with rules

  • Established basic rules that will be used for preventing this place going into mad town

  • Created suggestions channel so that everyone can chip in two cents into improving channel even more

  • Created ETernity section for ETernity 3on3 and 6on6 cup, as well as LAN, any questions about it can now be asked there. Additionally, ETernity admins role has been added so its easier for users to get a quick hold of one of them

  • Got the 700th member today

  • With help of Scoofi we were able to reach Splash Damage and reach an agreement of having promotion for our game, which had great success already, two facebook posts can be seen here and here, extra post was done on their forum, which can be seen here

  • We have updated our !help commands, which assists any new or returning players with getting basics covered. For any other problems, use the #help channel

  • Main teamspeak for gather and playing hyperion-gaming.Net:9991 had additionals channels made, so players can organize easier when playing multiple gathers at same time

  • Our brand new and very important addition is current status of public and private servers, which means you will be able to check real time status of activity on each server that we provide for you as well as all the public ETPro servers, simply use !status to display private servers and !status public to display public servers

  • As mentioned above, interview with hellreturn will provide you all informations about Anti-Cheat that we use on one private ETPro server, you can read it here

Phew, that was exhausting writing all this up, but im glad that I could share all this new stuffs with entire community here so each of you see just how much progress we are making in such a short time. There is definitely more to come, as we are already having our eyes on additional aditions that will be implemented on our discord channel, so make sure that you are part of this fast growing community as well.

inb4 hellreturn starts selling cheats for his ac :P
Not in this life time :) I would loose my current staff position at PBBans by indulging with cheats. Here is my profile:

was joking m8 :P
hehe I thought same but then I thought i would clarify because now a days people take literally every joke said as true things :)
Same, also thanks for ur efforts i belive/hope am speaking in the name of everyone :D: )
Rly good job!!! Thank you for all the hard work!!

Make ET Great Again - #MEGA
bring me my croissant
Anything for you m8
Really nice job hellreturn <3! Nice content Aniky and thanks for your hard work and support!
Lol this thing is gettin way bigger than i expected.
Well done Aniky.
ET is comin back after all these years gg.
The man who does not get enough credit for his effort, Aniky x
good job aniky
Since his efforts with girls on snapchat are not successful maybe he will atleast get credits for these ones.
Ahahahaha too soon man too soon
well done, m8! Great effort!
Is the ref password still the same on ext3 servers Aniky? Better be..
he's made it to be more politically correct now
Haha its not my server so no :p gotta keep exitium legacy going
Good job boys!
ET is more alive than it has beein in the last 2 years. I am hosting around 5 private ET servers and 9 TS3 (including the xD trickjump) and we raised the slot limit on xD from 50 to 100 in the last two weeks. On a random night there around 100 players on TS3 (90% ET players) The private ET servers are being used again, after being idle for more than a year.

So it's working. Good job.
great job, full support
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