mind at ETernity lan ownage

Yes thats right, u sponsor my flights and i come paly

Some of my ex-clans if u dont know: mASCULINE_MANS, KrP, n1ce, QUEENS

very ownage (almost 100 headshot today on BIO)
smg/rifle and all ownage
prefer rifle so i can just jump around instead serious gaming but can smg too easily

ensam (great gamer) had this to say aswell about me
-good teamleader.
-motivated to help players with lower skill level to reach the heights.
-stable and likeable personality
-EC winner

U can reach me via private message on crossfire

Good luck m8 :)
go go mate
Gl Nerd
Coolers tongue!
GL get this master MIND
nerd buy tickets via ryanair for 20 euros, thats how much u probably spend on alcohol in 1 hour
Most likely, but i dont think ryanair flies via us anymore. And its also due im pro so i need to get spons, house and wife and all that aint worth it otherwise.

Ps. last time i was owning at lan i got so much spons i could took my mate with me to play aswell
Did you and your mate have a good time playing together? :)
time of my life :')
that smiley! i see you!
Gl, hope someone has a brain and sponsors you. Big player, easy ownage.
I dont think I have ever said that.

Why are you even going, is there an open bar? Are you even allowed to fly?

Good luck.

yes its alright just need to get new passport :)

and obviously going to drink and game :)

Thank you m8
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