HBC Down ?

What happened to the horny idiot server of (HBC)? Turned off or too many stupid assholes at once on the server?

ee. Flame on..
lagging hard anyway there are better servers now.
I h4ck3D i7 w1th my 1337 5k1ll5 gg
Tu es vraiment un Dieu puissant, tu as réussi à faire renaître toutes les divinités engendrées par la colère des Titans
le seul vrai Dieu ici est celui qui te fait l'honneur de te répondre !
Tu es celui que je vénère tout les jours ! Gloire à Mxt0r !!!!!
the owner of HBC lost the lawsuit against nismo.
the toll for that: the HBC server had to be taken down.

source: reddit
As the CEO of #follow.et professional eSports cklub since 2008, my lawyers and I, can confirm this information.
You can try this server out: TeamMuppet ETPro, connect

No lags guaranteed ;)
Finally, now lets make a proper xpsave jaymod to replace HBC.
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