need 3rd for LAN


since his brother dodging again Belgium mAus and me are looking for a third for LAN.
PM me right here or on discord @Aquila.

cheers 8 : ]
gl cu there :-)
Nice buddy
/q Mira
if he's interested he should pm me, would be cool

gl carrying that Belgian lowtard
I think he wouldnt fit in that battleground with his behaviour anyway.

Gl aqqqila
I appreciate your concern
:D? I stand by my statement. You gave a cheap side shot, directed at someone you don't personally know, guided by your emotional reaction to seeing my subjective reaction(based on my own personal moral philosophy - so once again no reason for you to create your view of me and share it with the world without knowing me personally) to people who their indirect attacks at me caused my initial reaction on which you based your whole emotional view point of me.

I initially responded with my statement because I wanted to see if you're a typical Dunning-Kruger play toy or whether you actually possess decent reasoning skills but were just influenced by mental weakness and haven't done much thinking of your own. After seeing your "dictionary. read. learn" comment I'm delighted to know that I don't have to be concerned about you because the conclusion is self-evident! Congratulations, you are completely normal - or you wanted me to tell you that you're such a clever boy?

I'm impressed by your courage mate to indirectly attack someone you have no personal relationship to on a website with 50 regular visitors. It is a big improvement. Keep up the good work - you are a real alpha male. Hopefully you got the courage to correct a native speaker in the future - that would really proof your intellectual superiority aye?

Still not concerned about you as you thought i was. ;-)
Schoenmaker blijf bij je leest ;)
shoecleaner blijft dromen;)
take karma
take suuhkk
take Ava
Take swanidius
low+ avi but can't train before (I don't have a computer anymore. EDIT: I mean I have a computer but from work so I'm not allowde intalling games on it)
take que pasa
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