[LAN] #follow.et gaming wear

Dear computer friends,

As you know #follow.et - professional eSports cklub since 2008 will be attending LAN with a very professional team. We even have a Finland team manager & eSport psychologist (unlike other nerdy teams).

I'm happy to announce that we now have a very professional gaming wear and a very large supply for our fans. You may ask me: "Coach and CEO MarseilleLeFrancis but why is it so professional?"

Well, it's a good question you ask. Our designing and R&D departments brought us the best gaming gear for 2019.

Quote- Size-wise: Our gaming outfits adapt to all sizes, we are sure it will fit to you. Whether you have fatty fingers like United Kingdom one of our team members or you are very fit like GermanyRayzed

Quote- Elegant: We know some of our fans dont have face nor muscles. Dont worry guys, we have your back! With our gaming wear, you will be the sexiest mother love maker. It was inspired by the legendary french fashion.

Quote- Practical: The most important part. Our gaming gear is very practical. With its very unique color, you will be able to distinguish the only professional players at LAN (among all these nerds) but also you will be very easily spotted by the chicks in teh cklub.

Ok guys. Enough talking, without further ado:
image: 220px-Warnweste_gelb-2

Our model: image: depositphotos_151499400-stock-photo-girl-in-yellow-construction-vest

Elegantly yours,
MarseilleLeFrancis - An elegant soon to be lanwinner
follow.et only clan spamming shitty journals on crossfire daily

Ps. if you really went to club as often u claim to u wouldnt have time to post these shit journals on crossfire...
I don't know any clubs that open at 3pm sorry.
Lue klubin aukioloajat perkele
Etkot-Clubi-Jatkot... repeat. Amatööri...
You seem mad.
It's almost as if you want to look like the responsible adult here and make people believe you didn't act like this on this very site in the past.
:DDD everyone that knows me knows im nowhere close to an responsible adult couldnt give a fuck about that.
u seem to be bitter about it though, parzi didnt give u pussy? probably closest u ever been though. try hit a real life girl next time
As the new #follow.et eSports cklub style consultant I aprove this journal and rate it 5/7. (11/10 with rice)
that rice post was
was is an dir dickerchen den fit?
LeFrancis = LeBest
Quand même pas. Je suis pas le roi du 1vs1.
Ne te sous estime pas, tu es l'un des meilleurs frageur de crossfire !
Content de voir que vous êtes encore en vie mon colonel :{D. France

Je venais voir si crossfire était tombé entre les mains des féministes ;) je suis forcé de constater que c'est du bon travail mon colonel bon y'a toujours autant de haters mais ça c'est notre came chez follow.et d'ailleurs ils viennent pas en 1vs1 c'est plus du 1vs9 et ça surrender à 15min tu me suis ;) #follow.et
Toi même tu le sais les haisseurs haissent. Ils ont tellement maigri qu'ils font des régimes weight watchers SI SI.
image: 3166352940054_PHOTOSITE_20171130_161755_0
hahaha :D mais non mon francis :{D ils sont devenus vegan voyons. :p

DRAH DRAH DRAH #follow.et tire à balle réel sur les haters.
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